(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the U.K. have clarified the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution of the spiritual practice in front of the British Museum in London for years. They also help Chinese people understand the significance of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. The following are stories of practitioners’ interactions with Chinese people.

A Chinese IT Specialist Quits the CCP

A Chinese young man looked at the display board about the staged Tiananmen self-immolation. A practitioner greeted him and handed him a leaflet. The young man smiled and said, “I majored in computer science, and I used ‘Freedom Gate’ (an app that can circumvent the CCP’s Internet blockade) to surf the Internet in China, so I know that the Tiananmen self-immolation was a hoax orchestrated by the CCP.”

The practitioner said, “Then you must also know about the trend to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.” He said he did, but he’d never joined the Party itself, just the Youth League. The practitioner explained how important it was to quit all the Party’s organizations and negate the oath he had made to “fight for communism one’s whole life.” He said that those who vowed to sacrifice their lives for the CCP, which killed 80 million people in all of its “movements,” will bear the responsibility for what it has done in the future. The young man agreed to quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers.

Chinese Man Wants to Participate in Falun Dafa Activities

At the end of June, a young man came to practitioners’ booth and asked if he could participate in Falun Dafa activities. He said, “I know that July 20 is the day the persecution of Falun Dafa by the CCP started, and that practitioners hold activities that day.” When a practitioner asked how he knew that, he talked about how he came to his understanding of Falun Dafa.

He said, “When Falun Dafa was first suppressed, I had to go to Hong Kong several times and saw practitioners there protesting the persecution. That was all I knew about Falun Dafa at that time. In 2004, I used software to circumvent the CCP’s internet blockade to surf the internet, and I read about Falun Dafa and how the Tiananmen self-immolation was staged by the Communist Party to frame Falun Dafa. I like to watch programs on the Epoch Times website and New Tang Dynasty TV.”

As he spoke, he opened his mobile phone and showed the links to the websites he browsed. He said, “I know that the Communist Party is very bad. It not only persecutes Falun Dafa—the common people in China are suffering. Although I’m not a Falun Dafa practitioner, now that I’m overseas, I want to participate in your activities. I want to speak out and take action.”

The practitioner said, “Since you can browse websites outside China, you know about the trend to quit the CCP, right?” When he said he was not a Party member, the practitioner told him that when people joined the Youth League or the Young Pioneers, they swore to dedicate their lives to the CCP, so that oath was still valid. He agreed and quit both organizations. On July 20, he participated in the parade organized by Falun Dafa practitioners. He said with emotion, “I didn’t expect that there were so many Falun Dafa practitioners here. I feel that you are all very peaceful.”

Young Woman Quits the Youth League

After a young woman read the “Quit the Party” display board carefully, a practitioner told her that over 400 million members of the Chinese Communist Party, Youth League, and the Young Pioneers had already quit those organizations. They’d renounced the oath they took to “dedicate their lives to communism.” The woman was very interested and asked about Falun Dafa itself.

The practitioner said that it includes five exercises that are simple and easy to learn and that practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.Before 1999, there were many positive reports about Falun Dafa in newspapers and on television in China and the practice spread widely.

The woman asked if Falun Dafa practitioners believed in gods and Buddhas, and the practitioner explained that Chinese people believed in Buddhas in the past, that China is called “the land of the divine” and that its people are called the divine’s people. The practitioner told her that the CCP ruined China’s ancient culture through violence, struggle, and atheism, that when people don’t believe in anything, they will dare to do anything.

The young woman said she had read several books on Buddhism and that Shakyamuni said there were more than 80,000 ways to practice Buddhism. The practitioner told her that the udumbara flower mentioned in Buddhist scriptures is now appearing all over the world and that this flower only appears when the Holy King Who Turns the Wheel descends to save people, and many Falun Dafa practitioners have seen them in and around their homes. The woman thought that some of the things in Falun Dafa’s teachings were similar to other religions. The practitioner said that authentic teachings are about teaching people to be good and improving people’s minds, but that they are all unique. She nodded in agreement, took a picture of the Falun Dafa website, and said that she would look into it.

She said that the Communist Party’s propaganda claim to “get into people’s brains, hearts, and souls” was really terrifying. “I’ve never been in contact with Falun Dafa,” she said, “but given what I know and understand about the Communist Party, I don’t have a negative opinion of Falun Dafa.” She then quit the Youth League.

Young Couple Quit the CCP

A young man and woman read the display board that shows the Tiananmen self-immolation was a hoax. A practitioner chatted with them a bit and then said, “This is how normal people interact. But because of the CCP’s hateful propaganda, many Chinese see Falun Dafa practitioners as enemies, Most Chinese don’t know anything about Falun Dafa—they only know the Party propaganda.”

The practitioner pointed out the inconsistencies in the Tiananmen self-immolation, and they nodded. The practitioner said, “If you want to know more, you can watch the movie “False-Fire” on the Internet for free.” The practitioner also gave them a booklet about Falun Dafa, which they seemed pleased to take.

The practitioner told them that over 400 million people have already quit the Party and its affiliated organizations and that if they renounced the oath they made to the CCP, then they would not be held accountable for its crimes. The couple agreed to quit the Party and thanked the practitioner repeatedly.