(Minghui.org) Since the Chinese communist regime began to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, the officials have been harassing and monitoring Falun Gong practitioners, seriously disrupting their employment and personal lives. Below are four recent examples.

69-Year-Old Missed Train after Being Searched for Carrying a Falun Gong Amulet

Ms. Liu Hongli, 69, was already in her seat in the sleeping compartment on a train at the Xi’an City Train Station in Shaanxi Province on August 19, 2024, when two male and one female plainclothes officers demanded to check her identity. They ordered her to open her bag and then checked her phone and wallet. After discovering a Falun Gong amulet in her wallet, the officers ordered her off the train and to carry her luggage with her. They also took her ID and phone.

Ms. Liu told the officers that she was on her way to see her 90-year-old mother, who was in intensive care in the hospital, but the officers insisted that she get off.

They told Ms. Liu that they were with the railway police station, but none of them showed any identification. Before the train departed, the officers took Ms. Liu’s ID and changed her ticket from 8 p.m. to 10:40 p.m. on a hard seat.

From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., Ms. Liu was held in the police station and watched by eight officers. She was interrogated and not allowed to use the restroom or make phone calls.

Teacher in Zhejiang Province Fired and Harassed by the Police

Ms. Jiang Xinbo, a schoolteacher in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, received a call from someone claiming to be from the Wumajie Police Station on June 25, 2024. The caller asked her for her workplace contact details and address and said the police wanted to meet her at her rental home. The next day, two police officers and four neighborhood committee officers showed up and started video recording her home. One plainclothes officer asked her if she or her relatives practice Falun Gong.

Ms. Jiang Xinbo

Ms. Jiang received another call on June 28, 2024. The caller claimed to be from the Lucheng District Public Security Bureau, demanding to meet with her at her home again. This time she refused.

Shortly after, the administrators at Ms. Jiang’s school told her that her summer classes had been suspended because there were not enough students. A month later, she was told that there were not enough students for the autumn classes either, implying that she didn’t need to come to work anymore.

Ms. Jiang went back to her hometown in Heilongjiang Province, on July 17, 2024, to attend a relative’s wedding. At around 11 p.m., the police came and videotaped her place. One of them had another officer take a photo of him with Ms. Liu and checked her ID and phone number.

Hubei Resident Harassed at Home

Ms. Yin Fengying from Xianning City, Hubei Province, was at home in August 2024 when several police officers barged in, claiming that she had distributed Falun Gong materials in a neighborhood. Their evidence was the blurry figure of a woman recorded by their surveillance camera. The officers ransacked her home, took two Falun Gong booklets, and kept asking her who gave her the booklets. She refused to answer.

Ms. Yin was taken to the police station and fingerprinted. She also had to stand in front of a machine and had her photo taken from all angles. She was later taken to the detention center for five days. She was still harassed after being released.

Hebei Officers Encouraged Locals to Report Falun Gong Practitioners

Beginning in August 2024, officers from the neighborhood committee and police station in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, went to Falun Gong practitioners’ homes to harass them and took their photos. The practitioners were also ordered to write guarantee statements to renounce their faith.

In some districts, officers would knock on every resident’s door and offer them cash to report Falun Gong practitioners. This resulted in some people secretly recording practitioners when they were out telling people about Falun Gong. If the practitioners happened to see this, the person would deny it and say nothing was recorded. When the practitioners tried to tell the person about Falun Gong, the person would record again.