(Minghui.org) (Continued from Part 1)
This Book Is Nourishment for My Mind
Ursula was tormented by chronic enteritis for six years and was afraid to go out. She frequently ended up in the hospital. Seeking a cure, she tried various ways and read many books, but nothing helped. Her two children were young and she had to find someone to care for them so that she could recuperate after treatments. “It was a truly difficult period of time,” she said.
When she heard in April 2000 that practicing Falun Dafa can improve people’s health, she did not have much hope, “I just thought I’d give it a try since nothing else ever worked.” She learned the five exercises at a practice site in Bern and was given a book, Zhuan Falun.
She immediately began reading it. The book captivated her. There were parts guiding her to improve her moral character. After reading the first lecture, she looked forward to reading the next one. She soon read the entire book.
“This book moved me!” As she closed the last page, Ursula was certain: “This book is nourishment for my mind. It can help change my extreme temperament and give me a peaceful way of life.” She packed up the books and things she had read or used in the past 6 years to treat her illness.
She also realized that she immediately needed to change some of her behavior. For instance, the teaching in the book on gathering qi reminded her of how she once sought to collect energy from plants to treat her illness and that this was wrong. She said, “I realized plants are living things. It’s wrong to steal energy from them to improve my health.”
She became calmer. She was very temperamental and was often filled with resentment. She also went to extremes—sometimes she was overly happy but soon became depressed. After reading Zhuan Falun Ursula said, “This is a great practice. It helps me become tranquil.”
As she kept reading Zhuan Falun and practicing Falun Dafa, she understood “Things happen for a reason and I should let nature take its course.” She also knew the purpose of life is to return to one’s true origin, in simple terms it means one should be a good person. She knew that she should not be led by emotions, as this is not good for her health. She found inner peace and her character improved.
Her supervisor reprimanded her when he was in a bad mood. Her coworkers defended her, but she was able to face it calmly. This is because she learned from Zhuan Falun that practitioners should not retaliate when they’re treated unjustly. One should be considerate. She often agreed to take on her coworkers' shifts and help neighbors. Her coworkers and neighbors are grateful to Ursula for helping them out.
She said, “Zhuan Falun can be a point of reference for our lives, it teaches us how to face hardships. Many principles taught in the book are hard for us to grasp by ourselves. Through reading Zhuan Falun and practicing cultivation, we can improve our character and become more tolerant. We can find the meaning of life and become better people.”
This Book Has Endless Treasures
Manu walked to a newsstand in the train station and started to flip through a magazine on a seemingly ordinary day in autumn 1997. There was an article on a popular spiritual practice in China that caught her attention. She read that this practice improved people’s minds and bodies, and many people practiced it and it was free to learn. She felt this was an upright practice. She bought the magazine and read the article.
Manu had always searched for the meaning of life. She tried some spiritual practices but did not gain anything even though she paid for classes. After reading the introduction to Falun Dafa, she was interested and began searching for places to learn the practice. From Belgium to Germany, she searched for a long time until she finally found a practitioner in Geneva. She learned from the practitioner that there was a practice site in Zurich. However, as she was unable to attend the practice site in Zurich, she could only learn the five exercises herself.
One day in 1998, she finally got a hold of a copy of Zhuan Falun in German. It was a thick photocopied book. She read it nonstop that night, “This book opened my eyes, I found what I was searching for.” After reading the book, Manu felt that “Master is teaching the truth. Zhuan Falun reveals the real meaning of life, and shows us how to be a good person.”
She also understood “why people suffer from hardships and why we have karma. It resolved a lot of my resentment. I also realized that the various difficulties I ran into previously were arranged for me to begin to practice Falun Dafa.”
She attended the cultivation experience sharing conference held in Geneva in September 1998 and listened to Master’s lecture. She also listened to the cultivation experiences of Falun Dafa practitioners from different parts of the world and gained a lot. The experience encouraged her to keep reading Zhuan Falun because every time she finished the book, she found answers to her questions.
Reading the book again and again was a great help to Manu in her life. For instance, when she had conflicts or problems, she would look at herself and see where she went wrong—if she had jealousy or an attachment to being better than others. “This made my life so simple. I don’t need to fight anymore. In the past, I felt I should pursue this or that. Now I know nothing happens by chance. This greatly reduced my pressure.”
Maybe it was because she was once a teacher, before practicing Falun Dafa, Manu often expressed her opinion when she heard different views to prove that she was right. However, after reading Zhuan Falun and practicing Falun Dafa, she learned to listen to others and lend a helping hand when they need it rather than emphasizing herself. Her six siblings also observed that she was more peaceful and jovial.
Whenever she encounters difficulties in life, she focuses on reading Zhuan Falun, as it makes her feel calm and helps her get rid of her resentment. It gives her the strength to face hardships. She reflects on her shortcomings and remembers to be considerate. This helps her overcome tribulations.
To Manu, Zhuan Falun is, “A treasure, there are many deeper connotations in it, higher wisdom I have yet to understand, realms I have not attained.”
She noticed that after reading Zhuan Falun with a focused mind, it has a positive impact on her daily life. “It helps me change internally. For example, I find it easier to accept other people’s ideas, I no longer try to prove that I’m correct.” When she takes a step back, it affects those around her. For instance, when she has different views from her husband and he insists on his thoughts, she can stay calm. After a while, her husband tells her, “Actually, I see your point.”
People in Over 100 Countries Read Zhuan Falun
Ursula and Manu read Zhuan Falun at dawn. Simone and Christian say that when they would read Zhuan Falun it feels as if they are taken to a pure and amazing world. At night, they read Zhuan Falun with other practitioners and discuss their cultivation experiences.
They and other Falun Dafa practitioners in over 100 countries say they’ve experienced how amazing it is to put into practice the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, how wonderful it is to be considerate. Although they sometimes encounter hardships or feel lost, they find answers in Zhuan Falun, and the strength as well as courage to persevere in their belief.
They also share a common wish: Zhuan Falun has been translated into over 50 languages since it was published 30 years ago. Many people find the meaning of life through it and learned how to be a better person. They found hope, can you give it a try and read the book? You can read it for free online through the website www.falundafa.org or purchase it from bookshops. We hope you can find what you have been searching for.
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