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The Importance of Purity for Practitioners

Sept. 18, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Master Li mentioned the word purity many times in his teachings. I thought about this deeply and tried to understand its importance. We are constantly purifying our thoughts and bodies. At the same time, the gong we cultivate is also pure, and as we continue elevating and going beyond the human realm, it will reach a high level of purity.

When we are in a good cultivation state, we can truly feel that Master is constantly purifying us and helping us reach the standards and purity of different levels and realms.

However, when we are tempted, distracted, or moved by the chaos in the world, we are polluted and our dimensional fields become impure.

For example, when you’re attached to your phone or computer, whether you look at it deliberately or unintentionally, your field will be filled with many pollutants. These things are alive, have images and sounds, and fill your mind with deviant ideas, which are also alive. As time goes on, your field is filled with these things, and they harm your mind and body, making you feel uncomfortable.

Degenerate thoughts and corrupt behaviors are rampant in modern society. Many people have entities attached to their bodies, such as foxes, weasels, and other animals. Like those videos of kittens and puppies you watched, those little claws and sharp teeth are interfering with you.

If you agree with an article you read online, the author may be an atheist, may not agree with Dafa, and may even support the Chinese Communist Party. In another dimension, the various factors from the author attach themselves to your body. If you admire certain singers and movie stars and watch them on your phone or computer, you may be interfered with by the entities they carry.

Once, after looking at my phone for a long time, my vision was affected. I saw words jumping and changing. They were black and looked like nematodes, tadpoles, and earthworms. They were disgusting, and I couldn’t get rid of them. I could still see them after I put my phone down. When I opened the window and looked at the sky, I still saw them.

After looking at my phone for a long time, I felt dizzy. I was tired and had symptoms of sickness karma. I had shortness of breath while lying down--as if I had a serious illness. The songs also echoed in my head from time to time. I felt tired and worn out after surfing online for a long time.

We are cultivators. We are required to meet a certain standard and we are measured by extraordinary principles. After I realized this, I spent a lot of time rectifying myself by studying the Fa, sending righteous thoughts, eliminating the desire to check my phone and computer, and setting aside my curiosity. Particularly when I had downtime and was alone, I firmly refused to give in to my desires. After some time, I finally cleaned up all the pollution in my field. My dimension became bright again, and my body no longer had problems.

After cultivating for so many years, I felt bad that I still had such strong attachments and that getting rid of them took so long. Master inspired me through his recent Fa lectures. I clearly see why cultivators need to be purified: It’s the requirement of the Fa, a standard each cultivator must reach.

Only by remaining unmoved in the face of the world’s chaos and different kinds of so-called prosperity, maintaining a strong main consciousness, taking cultivation seriously, eliminating attachments and various desires, studying the Fa well, assimilating to Dafa, and promptly correcting any deviations can we reach a pure state and realm of high purity.

This is my current understanding at my level; please kindly point out anything that is not in line with the Fa.