(Minghui.org) To mark July 20, the 25th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, practitioners in the French speaking region of Switzerland held a rally in front of the United Nations Human Rights Office. Six councilors as well as a representative from ACAT Suisse spoke at the rally to show their support.

More than 30 government officials and former Geneva Mayor Mr. Alfonso Gomez sent letters to the Falun Dafa Association expressing their support for the group’s continued peaceful protest against the persecution.

Falun Gong Representative: We Call on the Federal and Local Government to Pay Attention to the Persecution

A Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) representative said in his speech: “For 25 years, just like every year, during the meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission, we continue to stand outside the Palais Wilson, rain or shine, to peacefully appeal once again as well as request that China stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Once again, we remind the international society, and the federal and state government in Switzerland, that such crimes against humanity are still taking place in China.”

General Council of Geneva Member: I Hope We Can Celebrate the End of the Persecution Next Year

Cédric Jeanneret, Member of the General Council of Geneva, said in his speech at the rally, “I am a Member of the General Council of Geneva. As a representative of the people, I come here today to express our support for those persecuted for their faith. Geneva is a city that welcomes those persecuted for their beliefs. We are grateful for your presence, living in humanity and amid these values that connect us together.”

Cédric Jeanneret, Member of the General Council of Geneva, addressed the rally.

He said, “That’s why what I can do today is to appeal to the CCP. Practitioners don’t have any other wish, they only want to live in harmony, tolerance and mutual respect.

“I want to say to the CCP government, happiness on this planet does not need to be measured in terms of monitor width manufactured in factories. It is based on the health condition of people and how they get along with one another. These values create lasting, constructive prosperity.

“Look, this persecution has gone on for 25 years. I hope next year we can celebrate the first year of the end of this persecution. We can celebrate together with people living on this beautiful planet including Chinese, Europeans, Genevians and the British. I hope we can promote tolerance, kindness and truth.”

National Council Member: Thank You for Everything You Have Done, I Completely Support You

Christian Dandrès, Member of the National Council, said in his speech at the rally, “I want to clearly express, I completely stand together with you, victims of the persecution. To uphold human rights, to be able to act and oppose all countries’ persecution, in particular in China, I think it is definitely the heart of certain matters.”

Christian Dandrès, Member of the National Council, speaks at the rally.

“At the same time, I think our country Switzerland should do something because Switzerland has ties with China, some people in Switzerland should act to change the federal policy facing the CCP. Therefore I want to thank you for what you have done and bring you my total support.”

National Council Member: Keep Supporting Falun Gong

Mauro Poggia, Member of the National Council, speaks at the rally.

In his speech Mauro Poggia, Member of the National Council, said he will continue to support Falun Gong until victory against the persecution arrives.

He said, “During these 25 years, many loved ones and friends passed away in this meaningless suppression. Here, Geneva is the capital of human rights, the preservation of the Geneva Convention. Of course, we should stand up and call out, we are paying attention to, we continuously asked this government to return freedom to people who have not done anything to harm others. We hope one day to meet here and say together: ‘The persecution has finally ended, justice has prevailed.’”

Member of the National Council: Switzerland Must Clearly Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong

Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the National Council, sent a letter expressing his support.

Carlo Sommaruga, Member of the National Council, wrote in his letter: “On the occasion of the 25 th anniversary of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, I express my support for the Falun Gong group that promotes tolerance and kindness. Because these values are of utmost importance to any society, whether China or Switzerland.

“Furthermore, these are values we promote in the realm of politics and society in Switzerland. These are extremely important. However, what is happening in China, the suppression of the Falun Gong and murder has caused a huge problem.

“Such persecution truly exists, not only targeting Falun Gong, but the Uyghurs and Tibetans. Such suppression must stop. Hence, at this rally, like many politicians and well known people from all parts of the world, I call for the end of the persecution of Falun Gong, release all prisoners of conscience, in particular Falun Gong practitioners.

“Fifteen years ago, like many European countries and economies, from the principle of free trade with China, Switzerland thought improvement in the Chinese economy would lead to democracy and push for individual basic freedom and rights. However, the results proved to be exactly the opposite.

“In the past decade, perhaps longer, China’s suppression of religion and faith movements such as Falun Gong has kept escalating. In today’s particular situation, Western countries must clearly recognize and make concerted efforts.

“We saw the EU taking a certain political stance. We also saw the U.S. taking political action. Switzerland too must make a clear statement, especially from the perspective of the economic agreement Switzerland reached with China today.”

L’ACAT Representative: We Call On the CCP to Stop Persecuting Falun Gong

Étienne Cottier, legal officer at l’ACAT, said in his speech at the rally, “I come here today representing l’ACAT, an organization headquartered in Bern that has opposed torture and death sentences for decades. For nearly 8 years, we have been following the peaceful protests by Falun Gong for freedom of speech, especially freedom of belief, assembly and association.”

“Twenty-five years ago, on July 20, 1999, then CCP leader Jiang Zemin gave orders to eradicate Falun Gong using all possible means. In the subsequent decades, hundreds of thousands of followers were discriminated due to the media propaganda vilifying the practice. Hundreds of thousands of people, as you know, were illegally detained without trial, forced to labor, tortured or killed just because they belong to this group that the Party thought it was not able to control.

“However, the scale of the persecution led to similar practices that are equally reprehensible. Twenty-five years later, the persecution continues to lead to new victims; organ harvesting continues to make greedy, shameless public servants, doctors and prisons rich.

“We ask the CCP to end the persecution; We ask for independent investigation into the acts of violence and that the perpetrators be brought to justice; We urge the UN, council, Switzerland government and at the same time all such organizations in all countries to strongly condemn such actions that severely go against international laws.”

Daniel-Dany Pastore, Geneva City councilor, Diego Esteban, Member of the National Council and André Pfeffer, Member of the National Council also gave speeches at the rally to express their support for Falun Gong.