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Learning Technical Skills Is Not Hard for Practitioners

July 12, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I once met a Falun Dafa practitioner who told me that only articles on the Minghui website can be trusted. Since then, I had the wish to get access to Minghui.org and read the contents. However, I did not know how to use a computer, never mind browsing the Internet.

My daughter had a desktop computer, which always sat idle when she went out of town to work. When she was home, she mainly used it to play video games, which I thought was a waste of time. I sometimes watched her typing, as I still remembered the Chinese pinyin alphabet I learned in school.

I once thought of turning the computer on, so I plugged in the power cable and pressed the “power on” button. I was unable to properly click on the icon I wanted with the mouse and gave up after a few tries. I then tried turning off the computer, but couldn’t. I called my daughter for help and eventually turned it off. My heart was beating rapidly, as if I had just experienced something new. When I recall my experience of struggling to turn off the computer, even I found it funny.

Maybe Master saw my wish to learn how to use the computer, so He sent over a practitioner a few days later. I told this practitioner my wish of learning how to use the computer to visit the Minghui website. To my surprise, he powered on the computer and showed me how to use it. He uses a computer at work and learned how to operate it in a computer training class. He then showed me how to use the mouse, open software, create folders, and save documents.

After he left, my mind was blank. I didn’t write down the operations he showed me and still lacked confidence in using the computer. I then remembered that I’m a Dafa practitioner and should not treat obstacles with ordinary human notions. If I do not trust myself before I even try, I would never learn even the simplest of tasks. If ordinary people can learn how to use computers, then we practitioners must be able to do so as well.

In order to master the basic skills as soon as possible, I bought computer books and DVD tutorials, and practiced by following the steps from them. If I had difficulties or questions, I went to the printing shop nearby for advice. After continuous effort, I finally learned the basic operations, including installing and uninstalling software, editing word files, etc. I could also understand the computer books better after mastering some basic operations.

When the practitioner learned that I was able to operate the computer, he brought me audio players and asked me to download the Dafa exercise music and songs for him. Other practitioners also asked me to check their computers when they malfunctioned. Some even asked me to install the operating system and secure encryption software after they bought a new computer. I knew this was a reflection of their improvement in cultivation and their trust in me.

However, I had never installed a computer operating system for others and only knew how to do things on my own computer. I knew my technical skills were still far from these practitioners’ expectations. But this was a rare opportunity that the practitioners gave me to improve my skills, so I was grateful to them from the bottom of my heart.

I firmly believe Master will bestow us with the wisdom as long as we do the right things. I downloaded the tutorials and other practitioners’ experience sharing from the technical forum. I read the tutorials carefully, and then went through them step-by-step on the computer. Fortunately, I could successfully install their operating systems most times.

The settings on the computer motherboard are all in English, which is very difficult for me to understand. I wrote down the commonly used terms in both Chinese and English and took photos of the motherboard settings, system settings, driver installation, and other steps to save on my phone for future reference.

Since my computer skills were still lacking, my understanding of the tutorials could be off. I sometimes got stuck with a problem for a long time and could not proceed to the next step. The more anxious I was to rush to find the cause, the more difficult it was to solve the problem. After repeating the steps several times, I realized that my eagerness to succeed caused me to get stuck and be unable to use my wisdom. I learned my lesson!

When I encountered such situations later, I usually read the tutorials carefully to find the cause and, most of the time, I could resolve the issue. For a few unsolved problems, I went online to find relevant information and could eventually solve it smoothly.

I gradually learned to use CDs and flash drives to install various encrypted single operating systems or dual systems. I also learned to encrypt operating systems on portable hard drives and flash drives, as well as use virtual machines which isolate an entire computer.

The practitioners in the technical forum developed the highly automated toolbox for installing computer systems. I can now install a system with a few clicks of the mouse and also install multiple systems at the same time. I used the techniques I learned to help local practitioners install and maintain their computers, thus meeting their basic needs to visit the Minghui website and make truth-clarification materials.

Establishing a Home Material Site with Righteous Thoughts

With the change of the cultivation environment and the need to clarify the truth to the precious Chinese people, Minghui encouraged mainland practitioners to establish small scale material production sites, just like flowers blossoming everywhere.

I once had a small ink-jet printer that was not suitable for producing large amounts of materials. I then bought an Epson printer, which made a lot of noise when printing. My home is less than 60 square meters, and we can hear footsteps, talking, and the TV from upstairs, not to mention someone printing materials.

My family’s worries, and my own concerns and fears all came out. I even thought I should not have bought this printer. I soon realized this was a thought that a practitioner should not have and should be eliminated, as we are doing the most righteous things. Keeping in mind we should not overlook safety concerns, I padded soft materials under and behind the printer to reduce the vibration and noise from printing. I also arranged the printing time to be during the time when people get off work, meal times, and while watching TV.

Meanwhile, I put my speakers next to the printers and turned them up a little louder while printing materials. I always sincerely ask Master to soundproof the printer every time I use it, as well as send forth righteous thoughts to strengthen the computer and printer to work well together. We can now make high-quality publications of Minghui Weekly, truth-clarification brochures, Shen Yun DVDs as well as CDs of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

Since many practitioners knew I could install computer systems, practitioners from nearby counties then started bringing in their computers. I also patiently taught them how to use mp3 players, small speakers, portable hard drives, flash drives, and e-book readers by request. Our practitioners are one body and fellow practitioners’ things are my things!

I interacted with many practitioners. Some did not cultivate their speech well and made phone calls at my home. I immediately had negative thoughts that they did not have a concern for safety. I realized it was not right to blame practitioners and immediately eliminated that notion with righteous thoughts. I came to understand that my excessive caution was to cover up my fear, the fear of being implicated with fellow practitioners and being persecuted. I then started sending forth righteous thoughts more often to eliminate these deviated notions.

The process of learning about computers and material production is also a process of cultivating oneself. In the beginning, I had the human notion of not wanting to endure hardship or make more effort, as well as attachments of laziness and relying on others. After I made progress and learned some skills, I then developed attachments of showing off, looking down on others, and being afraid of encountering troubles.

I also had attachments to fear, a competitive mentality, unwillingness to accept criticism, and a desire to have the persecution end soon. These are all human notions that I need to constantly eliminate. I will continually consider the Fa as teacher and look inward to get rid of all my unwanted notions, constantly enrich my technical skills, and cooperate with other practitioners to best save sentient beings.

This is my personal understanding at my level of cultivation. Please kindly point out anything not aligned with the Fa’s principles.