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Europe: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Activities in Romania and Greece

Oct. 15, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Romania

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from Romania participated in several local and international events from September 28 to October 5, 2024. They organized their weekly information day in Brasov on September 28, and participated in a parade held in Greece on October 4-5, followed by an informational event in Bucharest on October 5.

Practitioners told people about the ongoing persecution in China at an information booth in Brasov.

Practitioners from Romania held a banner representing their country during the parade in Greece.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises at an information booth in Unirii Square, Bucharest on October 5, 2024.

Practitioners from Romania joined a parade held in Greece on October 4-5, 2024.

We Need Moral Principles

In Athens, practitioners collected signatures for a petition initiated by Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH). The petition called on the G7+7 nations to recognize the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) practice of forced organ harvesting as genocide, and a violation of medical ethics. Falun Dafa practitioners are the primary group targeted by this heinous crime in China.

A woman with her granddaughter said, “How good it would be if these principles were followed - the world would be good and be back to normal.”

A young tourist asked a practitioner, “I’ve never heard of Falun Dafa before. Please explain what it is.” After the practitioner introduced Falun Dafa and described how the practice’s moral principles can be put into practice in everyday life, the man asked where he could learn the exercises in his country. He also signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

A woman from Israel signed the petition, and said, “I don’t agree with this persecution! Society has gone downhill and we need moral principles! We need kindness.”

Romanians Express Support for Falun Dafa at Parade in Athens

At the parade in Athens, many Romanians approached practitioners after seeing their native language on the banners. When they realized such a wonderful practice was suppressed in China, they were proud that their people took part in the parade to peacefully protest the unjust treatment.

Elena, a practitioner from Romania, said that several Romanians talked with her and the other practitioners after they saw that the T-shirts they were wearing had Romanian wording, “They were delighted to see us and wished us all the best in everything we do.”

Elena (first left) held a banner with a message calling attention to organ harvesting in China during the parade in Athens.

Several Romanians working in a restaurant in Monstiraki square later treated practitioners to soda drinks. They were happy to meet fellow Romanians in another country. A family of four approached the practitioners to ask about what Falun Dafa is, and why they were in Athens. When the practitioners told them about the principles of Falun Dafa, they said that by following these principles there was hope for the world to be a better place.

These Values Should be Passed Down to Future Generations

In Romania, the activities held by practitioners also caught the attention of many people, and won their support. The activities held in Brasov and Bucharest attracted many passersby who expressed deep interest in Falun Dafa and the principles on which it is based.

Two women told practitioners they would look at the Falun Dafa website to learn more about the practice.

Two women walked directly up to the Falun Dafa information booth in Bucharest on October 5. They asked if it was Falun Gong. When a practitioner confirmed this was indeed Falun Gong, one of them said she knew about the cultivation practice long ago.

Seeing the banner with a message about the persecution, she asked why such peaceful people were being persecuted, as they just want to keep fit through the exercises. She was shocked and sad when practitioners told her about the persecution, and immediately signed the petition to help stop the organ harvesting.

Before leaving with the flier given to her by a practitioner, she asked if there was an indoor practice site. A practitioner told her that there was an outdoor practice site in the largest park in Bucharest, but she could also do the exercises at home by following the video recordings of exercises presented by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, which can be downloaded from the Falun Dafa website free of charge, along with the books written by Master Li.

Both women said 

they would definitely check out the Falun Dafa website.

Alexandru Dinu and his friend said they supported the principles taught by Falun Dafa.

Alexandru Dinu from Craiova is a swim coach and lifeguard. He was curious about Falun Dafa, and said he was drawn to the principles of the practice described on the display boards. He said, “These values are representative, they should be passed on to future generations in order to create harmony, help everyone be the best they can be, and eliminate daily stress and worries.” Alexandru and his friend signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

He also said, “The best situation would be to stop the persecution in China. If people want to go to the park and do the exercises, they should be free to do so, as it makes them healthy and happy.” He thanked the practitioners, and said, “God bless you!”

Daniel Țintă, a lawayer from Rosiori, said he read about Falun Dafa in media reports. He expressed sympathy for the victims of the persecution and signed the petition to show he opposes it.