(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held four parades in Athens on Friday and Saturday, October 4 and October 5, 2024. The practitioners brought the grace of their practice and its values into streets and squares, in front of cafes, restaurants, and shops, and even before the Greek Parliament and government buildings. The parades generated excitement among spectators. 

The procession included practitioners from Sweden, Italy, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Cyprus, Romania, Croatia, the United States, Hungary, France, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Greece. Many spectators were happy to be introduced to Falun Dafa in this way and voiced support for practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). 

Falun Dafa practitioners held four parades in Athens on Friday and Saturday, October 4 and October 5, 2024.

A mother and daughter from the Republic of North Macedonia shout “Bravo! Bravo!” and applaud to congratulate the Falun Dafa procession.

The parade was led by the European Tian Guo Marching Band, which consisted of Falun Dafa practitioners from several European countries. The band was followed by dragon dancers, then practitioners with banners that introduced the practice and the efforts to stand up against the CCP’s persecution, and ended with the waist drum team.

The parade route passed before many of Athens’ busy areas, such as government centers, shopping streets, and museums. The band’s music and the waist drummers caught the attention of passersby, who took photos and accepted leaflets from practitioners. Office workers came out of their buildings and sought information about Falun Dafa from practitioners. 

People learn about Falun Dafa in Athens. 

“How could this persecution have been hidden for so long?” 

Helene (right) and Mina

Mina, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Vietnam who now lives in Italy, spoke to Helene, a tourist from Switzerland. Helene said that she hadn’t heard about the CCP’s crimes before. After learning about the persecution of Falun Gong from Mina, Helene was shocked and indignantly asked, “How could this have remained hidden from the public for so long? I am a Christian and I can’t believe that this is a state policy.”

Practitioners Raise Awareness of the Persecution

Julia and her family carry a banner.

Julia, her husband Bob, and their nine-year-old son Kian approached the organizers and asked to participate in the parade. The family live in New York, and Julia began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Her family had been on vacation with her sister in Germany, as Julia is German by birth. After learning from her sister that there would be a parade in Athens, the family decided to come and join. They held a banner and joined the march. 

Practitioners from Sweden from the waist drum team. Anna is in the middle.

Anna Bender is from Sweden. She was in Greece to take part in the Falun Dafa parade and to help the Greek practitioners. She shared that Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, make her “the happiest woman in the world.”

Marlene, from Cyprus, started practicing in August 2012 at a turning point in her life. She said, “When I participate in parades, European Fa conferences, or other big Dafa events, I feel that my body is very light. I just feel uplifted. I see people coming to us on their own initiative, seeking information. When we interact with these people, the whole body of Falun Dafa practitioners is uplifted, there is purity, and I understand that we are here for a special purpose.”