(Minghui.org) Activities to celebrate Chinese New Year were held in Burden Park in the South Springvale District on February 22, 2025. Greater Dandenong City, south east of Melbourne, is home to many Asian immigrants.

The day’s activities were organized by the South Eastern Melbourne Vietnamese Association Council (SEMVAC). Another theme of the event was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Vietnamese migrants in Australia.

The hot weather did not dampen the spirits of people from various ethnic groups who came out to celebrate the New Year. The practitioners’ waist drum team was invited to take part in the day’s performances. They shared the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa with local residents and their performances were welcomed. The mayor of Greater Dandenong City and organizers expressed their support for the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance taught by Falun Dafa.

Activities were held in Greater Dandeong City to celebrate the Lunar New Year and the 50th anniversary of the Vietnamese community in Australia.

Mayor of Greater Dandenong City: Everyone Should Have Freedom of Belief

Jim Memeti, Mayor of Greater Dandenong City, stopped by the Falun Dafa booth and chatted with practitioners. He said he agrees with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which the practice is based on, and kindness and tolerance are the foundation of social cohesion.

Greater Dandenong City Councilor Melinda Yim (left), Mayor Jim Memeti (center) and Deputy Mayor Sophaneth Tan (right) have their picture taken in front of the Falun Dafa booth.

Mayor Memeti said, “We respect, love and embrace one another’s culture. I hope everyone can put compassion and tolerance into practice. Regardless of which country you are in, everyone should have freedom of belief.

“Australia encourages people to celebrate their own diversity, belief, religion, and culture. We live in a great country. If everyone in the world does this, the whole world will become a better place.”

The mayor thinks it’s important that Falun Dafa practitioners continue promoting freedom of belief and oppose the persecution in China. “The truth will ultimately be respected in Australia and throughout the world. When the truth is exposed, we should listen and unite and accept, as well as respect, the truth.”

We Will Continue to Support Falun Dafa

Nguyen Tan Hai, one of the event organizers, praised Falun Dafa’s principles, of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and said, “I think the standards followed by practitioners are reasonable and beneficial. If you follow these values you will become a better person. It’s good for your mind and body.”

Nguyen Tan Hai, secretary of SEMVAC said, “We support Falun Dafa.”

Nguyen Tan Hai owns a law firm and has been a lawyer for 35 years. As an experienced Vietnamese lawyer, he knows the value of freedom, and said he is pained by the persecution suffered by Falun Dafa practitioners, “The CCP is terrified of losing its power, they are very sensitive about this. They suppress Falun Dafa but people cannot tolerate the regime’s actions.

“We support Falun Dafa. I believe, with the support from the Vietnamese community in Victoria, practitioners will have a platform to promote their practice. Please also remember, this is the Vietnamese community, we are not afraid of the Vietnamese government or the CCP.”

He called on practitioners, “Please keep practicing cultivation here, we will continue to support you.”

It’s Not Wrong to Have a Belief

Dr. Kim Son Vu, who owns a clinic, expressed admiration for the way practitioners peacefully exposed the persecution.

Dr. Kim Son Vu said he was very impressed with the waist drum team’s performances. “I love the performances, they are amazing.”

He said, “The energy during their performance was great! It was outstanding and left people with a deep impression.”

He said he agreed with the principles Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance taught by Falun Dafa, “These are human values. I believe they benefit humanity, and I support them.”

He said he knew about the CCP’s persecution, and expressed admiration for practitioners’ peaceful resistance and their courage, “It’s not wrong to have a belief, please keep up your efforts!”