(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from over a dozen European countries held an event at Mont des Arts in Brussels on September 21, 2024 to celebrate the International Day of Peace. They told people how they benefited from following Falun Dafa’s principles and exposed the 25-year-long persecution of the spiritual discipline in China.

A Supportive Wife and Daughter

Mr. Robert Czeszewska and his wife Katarzyna (left) and their daughter Nina

Mr. Robert Czeszewska has practiced Falun Dafa for nine years. His wife Katarzyna and daughter Nina participated in the event to show their support for his practice. The family immigrated to Belgium from Poland. Katarzyna praised Falun Dafa and said her husband became a better person after he began practicing: he quit smoking and recovered from his illnesses without taking a pill. “Falun Dafa is a blessing for mankind,” she said. When her husband becomes very busy with work, she reminds him to send righteous thoughts. When he meditates, she tries not to disturb him. “I don’t want to interfere with his practice,” she said.

Nina said that the practitioners look healthy and happy. She said it makes her feel sad that many practitioners are imprisoned and tortured in China. However, she added, “Falun Dafa allows me to see hope. Many people condemn the persecution and stand up for practitioners who are wrongfully imprisoned.”

Life Uplifted

Terrance (right) does the meditation exercise

Terrence was born in South Africa and has practiced Falun Dafa for 17 years. He’s now a member of the Dragon Dance Team. With a big smile, he said that his cultivation and understanding improved significantly: “The longer I practice, the better I understand myself. I experienced more joy and peace after I began practicing. I know I still have many attachments that I need to eliminate.” As a result of getting rid of his attachments, he said, “When I meditate, I’ve become more tranquil. My life is now happier and I’m calmer and more confident.” He is also able to calmly handle face his everyday problems.

As a practitioner whose body and mind improved greatly after he began practicing, Terrence wants to tell the Chinese people that practicing Falun Dafa made him happy, confident, patient, and kind. He wants to share his cultivation stories with the Chinese people who are deceived by the CCP’s propaganda to defame Falun Dafa and hopes they will wake up and see the truth about the persecution.

Entrepreneur Hopes More People Can Learn Falun Dafa

Kaspers has practiced Falun Dafa for nine years.

Kaspers said his life was a mess before he began practicing. He socialized with people who dealt drugs. When he was 27, he wished his life could change and met a friend who practiced Falun Dafa. Kaspers wanted to become like his friend, who was positive, warm, and did not drink or smoke. With his friend’s help, he began to practice Falun Dafa.

Now he is an entrepreneur and owns a design workshop. He participated in the event because he wants people to know about Falun Dafa and he also wants to expose the persecution. He said that the truth of Falun Dafa is like the sun and the Chinese communist regime’s censorship of information is like a dark cloud. “I want to tell the Chinese people that the sun is always behind the cloud. If you want to see the truth and the light, you must see through the Chinese regime’s lies and know that Falun Dafa is good.”

New Practitioner Finds Peace in Falun Dafa

Elizabeth began practicing Falun Dafa six months ago.

Elizabeth from Latvia was introduced to Falun Dafa six months ago by her friend Kaspers. She was moved after listening to his story, and began meditating and reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings. She gradually began practicing, and this was the first Falun Dafa event she participated in.

As a musician she has to perform on stage, which often causes her to feel anxious. “Now I feel great. I have less pressure and I found peace. Practicing Falun Dafa is beneficial for my physical and mental fitness,” she said.