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Young Woman Regained Her Hope in Life

Sept. 27, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) It was around midday on a weekend in March. I rushed to clarify the truth to a passerby, and left my handbag on the park bench. When I returned to get the bag, two young people were sitting there. The young man was looking at his cell phone. I grabbed my bag and was about to leave, when the man said to me, as if talking to an acquaintance, “Auntie, you look like a good person. Please help persuade her!” He looked at the young woman beside him, and continued, “She wants to jump into the water to kill herself! I can’t always watch her, what should I do?”

The young woman looked at me with her eyes full of tears, as if she was pleading for help. I asked, “You are so young and beautiful, why do you want to commit suicide?” The young man said that she just tried to jump into the river.

Grasping her hand, I tried to console her. She slowly leaned her head on my shoulder and cried. She said she had tolerated too much. Her body had been severely injured in many places, which had left her in unbearable pain, especially on the top and bottom of her spine. She also had suffered from insomnia for years.

I thought they were just a young couple having relationship problems. She said she was 35, unmarried, and the two of them were only friends. She had bought a property in Beijing, had a job, and made a pretty good living, except for her physical situation. Her health had caused her to lose hope in life. She was from the Northeast of China. She went back to her hometown to see her parents, and planned to commit suicide after that visit. But her family found out about her problem, and asked her younger brother to accompany her back to Beijing. That day she fled from her brother and tried to drown herself in the river, but unexpectedly came across her colleague. She said, “To live is difficult, and to die is also not easy!”

She didn’t elaborate on how she had sustained her injuries, and I didn’t ask. I just said, “Don’t think about doing anything drastic. Your parents went through so much to raise you, and it’s clear you’re hardworking, striving to improve yourself. You can’t be selfish and seek death. Besides, suicide is a grave sin that makes it difficult for the soul to be reborn.” She said that she had read the Bible before, which also told her that suicide is a sin, which was why she had been hesitating. At this point, her emotions had eased somewhat, but she seemed hesitant to speak freely. So I gestured for the young man to take a walk by himself, allowing us to talk privately. He nodded and said, “Auntie, I’m leaving her in your care then.”

I told the girl about my previous health issues and how Falun Dafa helped me overcome them. I empathized with her, and encouraged her to stay positive. I explained how practicing Falun Dafa improved my health and personality, and how it has spread globally, helping many people. I advised her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and told her that it could protect her and change her life. I expressed hope for her future well-being.

She began reciting the phrases, as I urged her not to have suicidal thoughts. I also asked if she had joined any of the Chinese Communist Party’s organizations. She told me that she had joined the Youth League. I explained my views on the CCP’s actions against Falun Dafa and recent events. I offered to help her quit, which she did, using her real name. She thanked me for my help.

She looked as if she had changed into a brand new person. I told her that she should thank Dafa’s Master instead. She responded, “Thanks to Dafa’s Master for saving me! I will keep living properly!”

I recited some recent Fa-teachings to her,

“So no matter whether you are rich or poor in life, you should be sure to do good, refrain from doing wrong, stay good and kind, be spiritual and devout, and be happy to help others. And by doing so you will build up blessings and virtue, and reap their rewards in the next life.” (“How Humankind Came To Be”)

She remarked, “Wonderful! So correct! I believe in karmic returns. I always try to do good things instead of bad. I will keep being kind and not think of committing suicide anymore.” She repeatedly thanked Master for saving her life. I told her to share the truth with people that she knew, and help them have a good future too. She said she would surely do that.

The young woman hugged me twice, expressing her gratitude. When the young man came back, he was surprised, saying, “Auntie, what did you do? She’s changed a lot! We should sincerely thank you!” He invited me for lunch, but I respectfully declined. As I walked away, the woman came up and hugged me again. I reminded her to recite the Dafa phrases. She said she had remembered them.

Thanks to Master for saving another life!