(Minghui.org) I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to compassionate and great Master Li and Dafa for saving my wife’s life and giving us a happy family. This is the first time I’ve ever written an article, and I only have a primary school education, so please kindly make corrections if there are any mistakes.

Falun Dafa Saved My Wife

My wife suffered from bilateral kidney stones in 2007 and had multiple surgeries at two major hospitals. Despite consulting many experts, her condition worsened, leading to kidney failure and hydronephrosis (swelling of the kidneys due to the build-up of urine that cannot drain normally). The specialists recommended implanting catheters to drain the kidneys, which she agreed to. The catheters often got blocked, so we made frequent visits to the hospital, and she had countless procedures. I spent those years desperately seeking a cure, but to no avail.

The catheters caused immense suffering and were very inconvenient. Family and friends visited frequently to show their concern. In 2011, a relative brought her a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa, and told her that only Dafa could save her. After reading the book, my wife began to practice Falun Dafa without hesitation. Within a month, she had the catheters removed, her kidneys started functioning properly, and she no longer had hydronephrosis.

By studying Dafa and doing the exercises, my wife has remained healthy for over a decade without medical intervention. She now manages the household chores and cares for our grandchild. I have witnessed Dafa’s miraculous power; it is compassionate Master who saved my wife and our whole family.

Liver Cirrhosis Healed Without Treatment

I fully support my wife’s practice. I also sincerely recite the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” every day. By reciting these, I’ve also benefited, and all my health issues have disappeared.

I started working on a new construction site in 2014. Since I was working away from home, I felt I had to drink alcohol on social occasions. I then experienced a lack of energy and went to a hospital for a complete check-up. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, and the doctor advised immediate hospitalization. I refused and only accepted some medication and an IV drip. After that, I went home and did the Falun Dafa exercises with my wife, while continuing to recite the auspicious phrases. A follow-up exam a year later showed that the symptoms of cirrhosis had disappeared!

Master Saved Me Again!

One rainy day in 2017, I was digging the foundation at a construction site when the bucket on the excavator struck me in the back. I was in so much pain that I fell down and couldn’t move. After a long time, I managed to get up and went to the hospital. The doctor told me I had a dislocated vertebra and needed immediate surgery.

I did not want to be operated on, so I went to another hospital for a second opinion, but their recommendation was the same. I refused and went home to rest. That evening, my wife asked me to do the Dafa exercises with her. And after just one day of practicing, my back pain disappeared. A few days later, I went back to the hospital for another check-up, and, after reviewing the X-rays, the doctor said that surgery was no longer necessary. As I continued to do the exercises, my back fully recovered.

Master Purified My Body

Due to the physical demands of long-term construction work, I developed many health issues. My left leg hurt after standing for long periods, and I also suffered from a herniated disc and gallstones. Food would sometimes get stuck in my esophagus. But I firmly believed in Dafa, constantly recited the auspicious phrases, and did the sitting meditation in the dormitory after work.

Gradually, all these ailments disappeared. I witnessed Dafa’s miraculous power once again. At times, I would feel like there were three flowers in the clouds above my head, and I would frequently see dazzling golden lights and other miraculous phenomena.

Once, while driving back from dropping off workers, I suddenly had such intense stomach pain that I was drenched in sweat. I couldn’t drive anymore, so I pulled over inside a tunnel. Since parking was not allowed there, three patrol officers came and told me to move. I kept reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The next day, I went to a hospital for a check-up, but there was nothing wrong with me, everything was normal. I realized that Master was purifying my body.

Due to my busy schedule, I couldn’t consistently study the Fa or do the exercises. However, compassionate Master arranged for me to join a Fa-study group, where I could compare, learn, and improve with other practitioners.

When I am off work, I often drive with other practitioners to distribute large bags of truth-clarifying materials. My wife, four-year-old grandson, and I recently watched the movie Once We Were Divine. Afterward, my grandson told my wife: “Grandma, I want to put up ‘Falun Dafa is good’ signs like Xiao Yu.” Two days later, we took our grandson to post truth-clarifying stickers, and he exclaimed: “Grandma, you finally listened to me. I want to spread ‘Falun Dafa is good’ around the world!” Along the way, he helped us to put stickers on telephone poles.

I’m immensely grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation! I will definitely be steadfast in studying the Fa and doing the exercises to be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation. I will diligently do the three things Master asks practitioners to do and return to my heavenly home with him.