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The UK: Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Team Wins First Place in Local Carnival Parade

Sept. 20, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the UK

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to participate in the Wem Carnival on September 7, 2024. Children and residents eagerly anticipated the most important annual event in this old market town: the carnival.

The first Wem Carnival was held in 1911 to commemorate the coronation of King George V. Participants included teachers and students from nearby schools, local community associations, and parish and town residents. The celebration included sports, dancing on the castle grounds, and entertainment at the cricket stadium. A torchlight parade and bicycle carnival was held that evening.

This year’s parade was led by the mayor, followed by local students, and then Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners performed the dragon dance, and the waist drum team played “Falun Dafa Is Good” and other songs.

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises

People on both sides of the parade route applauded as practitioners performed the dragon dance. Many people took photos and gave them a thumbs up to express their appreciation. During the parade, many spectators accepted Falun Dafa flyers and read them carefully.

The parade route was long, passing through the bustling shopping district, administrative district and residential areas. The main street was crowded with people. This year, the number of people watching exceeded 7,000. After the parade, Mayor David Parry personally awarded the Falun Dafa team the first prize. He said, “I’ve never seen such a culturally meaningful performance.” He said that many spectators and organizers also said the Falun Dafa team was the best.

Mayor David Parry and his wife took a group photo with Falun Dafa practitioners.

Mayor David Parry accepts a flyer and a handmade lotus flower.

Practitioners perform the dragon dance.

The waist drum team performs in the parade.

People sign the petition calling to stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

The practitioners were invited to perform the waist drums and dragon dance on stage, and demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises. People watched quietly and warmly applauded.

Practitioners also had a booth, and many people learned about the CCP’s persecution and signed the petition calling to end the persecution. Ford, a young man who lives in a nearby town, signed the petition and said that from a personal perspective, what he can do is to sign the petition and spread the information so that people can reject the persecution.

Invited by the organizers, the waist drum team and dragon dance team performed near the booth and distributed information about Falun Dafa.

The organizers invited practitioners to participate in the carnival next year.