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Enlightenment Gained from a Practitioner Passing Away

Sept. 17, 2024 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have witnessed the passing of many Dafa practitioners. Often, these people attained heavenly positions upon their departure, leaving this world in the image of a Bodhisattva or Buddha, which I have observed. But for practitioners who departed early, we weren’t sure if they had reached the fruition status they were supposed to reach. Thus, out of respect, most people refrain from commenting on their passing.

For some time, I was able to communicate with some of these practitioners after they left this world. They hinted at the reasons for their departure. One local practitioner, Uncle Feng, passed away in July. I'm sharing here what I observed at my level of understanding.

When I received the call about Uncle Feng’s condition, I immediately went to his home. He seemed to be losing consciousness, and two practitioners were calling for him to return. I sat down to send righteous thoughts. In my vision, I saw that Uncle Feng appeared to be impatient with our righteous thoughts, thinking they were of little use. I continued sending them anyway.

I then saw a god standing beside me, wearing a monk’s robe, with a bald head and one hand raised. I also saw a black lotus disk, half bright and half dark, in Uncle Feng’s dantian area and a black being residing in his heart area. Under these circumstances, my righteous thoughts had little impact. Shortly after, the emergency medical services crew arrived but were unable to resuscitate him. Later, his body was taken to the funeral home.

Early the following day, while meditating, I tried to communicate with Uncle Feng. He appeared in a vision, looking sleepy and tired as usual. The skin on the front of his body had hardened. When he was alive, he struggled to maintain a strong main consciousness, especially during Fa study, and while sending righteous thoughts, he often fell asleep. He also had a long-term skin issue and the constant scratching severely damaged his skin. These two unresolved issues ultimately led to his death.

Uncle Feng then manifested in a different image, standing on a large lotus plate. I realized this represented the part of him that had cultivated well and had been separated from his poorly cultivated side.

When I asked him if he would be reincarnated or remain in one place, he replied that he would stay in one place. When I asked about his achievements, I saw a partial view of a Buddha statue with multiple heads stacked, one on top of the other; each head was golden and shining. The bottom layers formed a magnificent base with countless Buddha heads.

I continued to talk to him about the mission and responsibilities of Dafa disciples he should have fulfilled, as well as saving more sentient beings. He didn’t respond to that.

Around 6 p.m. that day, several practitioners and I sent righteous thoughts together to help cleanse Uncle Feng’s body. Suddenly, I saw a golden light shining brightly. Uncle Feng appeared in a red robe and had curly blue hair, looking like a young man. His left hand was raised, and his right hand faced outward. A large halo behind him radiated golden light. I had never seen such a clear image of a Buddha, and I wondered if it was real. A few minutes later, the image disappeared.

The following morning, during meditation, I communicated with Uncle Feng again. I asked him to come back if possible, but he did not respond.

From my observations, the passing of every practitioner is due to persecution. Evil beings, appearing as dark images, occupied parts of these practitioners’ bodies. Until their bodies were cremated, I always sent righteous thoughts to help expel those evil beings.

Master does not want practitioners to leave this world early, because saving people requires manpower, and one practitioner can accomplish a great deal. However, the passing of a practitioner can be caused by different things. Uncle Feng suffered from two types of karma: chronic fatigue for over 20 years and a skin condition called scleroderma, which can cause hypertension and damage the heart. The emergency crew declared that Uncle Feng died from a heart attack.

When I saw Uncle Feng the second time, there was thick skin on his chest. It may indicate that his body had been covered with karma. His life may have been extended for him to cultivate. When I saw his ashes, I saw things that made me realize that there were beings with grudges against him. Perhaps they refused to leave him, causing his fatigue, skin issues, and, ultimately, his death. They controlled him until the final moment of cremation, completing their mission.

Uncle Feng was actively involved in many Dafa projects and made significant contributions in saving people. He was steadfast in his belief in Dafa, studied the Fa, and did the exercises every day, even amidst great tribulations. Just like many other practitioners who had passed away, Uncle Feng’s body had mostly been transformed into high energy matter. But because of the deep resentment some beings held against him, or because of the karma from certain mistakes he made, he was unable to resolve the issue.

Uncle Feng’s case provides some insights for us.

1) When karmic interference cannot be overcome for a long time, there is often a profound reason behind it, which may eventually threaten a practitioner’s life. As it consumes a practitioner’s willpower, it is crucial to strengthen the main consciousness, which is key to overcoming interference.

2) To effectively validate the Fa and save people, practitioners must maintain a good state of cultivation and a healthy body, which requires diligent Fa study and doing the exercises.

3) For practitioners who haven’t been diligent in their cultivation, this is also a reminder for them. Although we may not see the changes on the surface, as long as we are cultivating ourselves in Dafa, our levels are improving and our bodies are changing. Don’t become upset just because you don’t feel anything. Dafa cultivation enables the cultivators to reach a very high level. We should never lose our confidence, but should all cultivate diligently.

I present Uncle Feng’s case to illustrate the seriousness of cultivation and to learn from what we witnessed about his situation. I hope this will help us cultivate more solidly and do better in saving people, which is certainly what Uncle Feng would have wanted.