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Veteran Police Officer Protects Practitioner after Waking up to the Truth

Sept. 16, 2024 |   By a Faun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Huang is a good friend of my older brother, and a former police officer. He is a man of integrity with a kind heart, and is always ready to extend a helping hand. However, he firmly believed what he was told by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I had many times tried to clarify the truth to him, hoping to change his mind.

The first time I met him, he became very agitated when I mentioned Falun Dafa. He repeated what he had heard on television, and chastised me, “The government has banned it. I can’t believe you still practice it.” He was a very stubborn person, so I repeatedly clarified the truth to him. I told him why the CCP staged the Tiananmen self-immolation incident, that Falun Dafa isn’t on the Ministry of Public Security’s list of cult practices, and that the Constitution states that people have freedom of belief. He finally believed what I said and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

I mentioned to him one day that I wanted to go to the Bureau of Public Security to apply for a permit to visit Hong Kong and Macau. He volunteered to go with me that afternoon. The clerk at the Bureau of Public Security denied my application and said that it was because I practiced Falun Dafa. I tried to clarify the truth to her but she wouldn’t process my application. Huang was standing next to me and heard our conversation. Enraged, he said to her, “He’s a law-abiding citizen and needs the permit for a business trip. Your refusing to process his application is against the law.” The clerk told him that the authorities in the bureau’s 610 Office made the rules, and suggested we go talk to them. Huang went with me.

We found Ma, the person in charge at the 610 Office, and I repeated what just happened. Ma was quick to deny my application, giving all kinds of reasons as soon as he heard that I practiced Falun Dafa. He said that the clerk did the right thing.

Huang couldn’t stand to hear him insult the practice, and took issue with him. “There is nothing wrong with practicing Falun Dafa to stay healthy. Besides, one’s belief is protected by the Constitution. It’s not a cult and isn’t on the Ministry of Public Security’s list,” he said. Ma realized what Huang said was justified, but said, “We only follow orders from the top. You are supposed to follow a procedure to get your application approved, but no one would dare to approve it now. I know that practitioners are good people, so please don’t be upset.” Seeing that Ma was sincere and polite, we didn’t push him, and left.

This tells me that when a person knows the truth about Falun Dafa, his knowing side will know that Falun Dafa is good and he will want to help practitioners. Once Huang knew the truth, it was easier for him to see how I was treated unfairly, and he did not hesitate to stand up and defend me. I am happy for him.