(Minghui.org) I am 11 years old, and in elementary school. I would like to share some miraculous things I experienced on my Dafa cultivation path.

Setting Off Firecrackers

I went to play at my aunt’s home during the winter vacation of 2023, just before the New Year. That morning, at around 8 o’clock, I started setting off firecrackers. They were called “three consecutive bang” firecrackers, and were about the size of a matchbox. You could light them by rubbing them with your hand, and they would make a sound three times with a few seconds in between emmitting bright sparks. I set off a few on flat ground with no issues and had a great time.

I later stood at the doorway and lit one, then tried to throw it down the stairs, but it slipped out of my hand. The first bang happened on the flat ground, the second bang happened on the stairs, and as the firecracker got closer to me, I didn’t have time to react. I just turned slightly to the side and heard a loud bang as the third one went off inside the hood of my down jacket. I opened my eyes and instinctively touched my face. At that moment, I didn’t feel any pain.

I went back inside and looked in the mirror, and only then did I see that there was blood flowing between the corner of my left eye and my ear. I was so scared and started crying. My uncle brought some iodine to help clean the wound, and saw that it was just a minor skin injury, so there was no need to go to the hospital.

The amazing thing was that even though the firecracker went off inside the hood of my jacket, neither the hood nor the jacket showed any signs of being burned by the firecracker. My eyes were unscathed, my vision was normal, and my hearing was unaffected. When my parents got home and saw me, they said, “This is too dangerous. If it had been a little to either side, it could have injured your eye or burst your eardrum.”

I was very lucky and believed that Master protected me. Thank you, Master!

Hunchback Disappeared

Due to my incorrect sitting posture while studying, over time a curvature developed between the back of my neck and my shoulders. My father, mother, and relatives constantly reminded me to straighten my back, and not to hunch over. I too realized that my posture was poor and tried to change it, but when I stood up straight, my head would tilt backward uncomfortably, so I maintained my original posture.

Interestingly, after I wore a Dafa amulet, one Tuesday morning during second class at school I suddenly experienced severe pain in my spine, so intense that I almost couldn’t endure it. I thought, “Should I tell the teacher and see what’s wrong?” Just as I had that thought, the pain vanished. I then thought, “If it hurts again, I’ll just endure it and not tell the teacher.” Soon after, the pain returned, but I persisted through it. It came in waves. During a break, the pain in my back disappeared. When class resumed, I felt heat and sweat emanating from the lower part of my back, but when I touched it, there was no sweat. After about halfway through that lesson, the symptoms disappeared, and I didn’t think much of it.

The same situation occurred again a few days later. This time, it happened after I got home from school. I looked in the mirror to see what was happening, and to my astonishment, I found that my shoulders were more level than before. I seemed taller, and my hunchback had disappeared! I was extremely happy that the hunchback which had troubled me for years had vanished in such a short time.

I knew that Master had adjusted my body.

Divine Wonders Revealed by Righteous Thoughts

One morning in March 2024, the school held a ceremony to raise the Communist Party flag. Knowing that the flag-raising ceremony was inappropriate, I stood in the line and sent forth righteous thoughts while silently reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” During a student’s speech, the voice through the microphone fluctuated—sometimes loud, sometimes soft, with static and increasing noise, until eventually the student’s words became inaudible. Several teachers tried adjusting the microphone multiple times, but to no avail.

I understood that this was the dissolution of evil spirits in other dimensions, demonstrating the power of Falun Dafa.