(Minghui.org) As the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia and New Zealand wish to express their gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi and wish him a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. They are determined to do the three things well, eliminate their attachments, help Master rectify the Fa, save sentient beings, and fulfill their vows.

Practitioners in Sydney respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Melbourne respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Queensland respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Canberra, the capital of Australia, respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Practitioners in Adelaide respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Falun Dafa Has Given Me Happiness

Chris Turner from Queensland thanks Master and wishes him a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Twenty-seven-year-old Chris Turner owns an investment firm, is the founder/CEO of a start-up technology company, and serves in an advisory role for a number of different corporate and small businesses. He began practicing Falun Dafa six years ago, and says he now leads a happy life.

Chris described how he began practicing Falun Dafa. “A neighbor who lives in the unit opposite mine asked me about the mathematical symbols on my door. After explaining them to him, I told him about my other areas of interest, such as mathematical codes, ancient religions, quantum mechanics, natural therapies, and advances in agricultural technology. He said, “I have a book you may be interested in.” He sent me a weblink to the book Zhuan Falun. My friend printed a copy for me. In this way, I started practicing Falun Dafa.”

Chris developed cold symptoms about six months after he began practicing. “From Zhuan Falun I knew that I was eliminating karma, and afterwards my body would be healthier. I no longer become ill even during peak flu seasons. My lips are no longer chapped, and I don’t suffer from mouth ulcers anymore. My body is incredibly healthy.”

After reading “On Dafa” in Zhuan Falun, Chris realized that this profound teaching was exactly what he had been searching for. “I was about to continue reading the paragraphs when I ran into unexpected resistance. Something forced me to bypass those pages each time. After many attempts I finally managed to break through, and the resistance disappeared.” He added, “If my neighbor and fellow practitioner had not warned me at the beginning that this might happen, I wouldn’t have recognized this phenomenon and might have put the book down. Looking back now, it was a scary experience.”

Chris is deeply interested in life, the universe, as well the deeper meaning behind human existence. Zhuan Falun answered all his questions. “While reading Zhuan Falun, I realized that Master wanted me to focus on improving my character and elevate my understanding. I used to work in the construction industry, which afforded me many opportunities to improve my character. I realized cultivation consists of looking inward and getting rid of human attachments.”

Within two years, he saw rapid elevation in his cultivation levels through frequent experience sharing discussions with his neighbor. His colleagues and neighbors at his previous job noticed his positive changes. “I feel happier and cope better with work and family challenges, even when I’m faced with very stressful or unfair situations. My career benefited from practicing Falun Dafa, and my work efficiency has significantly improved.”

Chris later worked at a financial consulting company, where an acquaintance commented that his passion helped ignite his workplace. Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance helped him stay optimistic and calm in the face of adversity. Chris became a kinder person after he began practicing, and his relatives and friends like to associate with him.

Chris said words are inadequate to express the wonders he experienced through cultivation. “I truly believe the best way to express my gratitude to Master is to practice diligently and continue on my cultivation path.”

Perth Falun Gong Practitioner: A Calm and Optimistic Mentality

Chen Mei wishes Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Chen Mei from Taiwan never believed in qigong until she accompanied her husband in May 1998 to attend a nine-day Falun Dafa study class in Perth. By listening to the teachings and practicing the exercises Chen Mei realized that Falun Dafa was not just a qigong practice, but a true cultivation way. She and her husband soon embarked on their cultivation journey.

“I often wonder, how did I get so lucky? To have obtained this rare opportunity to cultivate, I sometimes wonder if I’m dreaming! I always remind myself that no matter how difficult the path, I must persist in cultivation! Many things have happened in the 26 years since I began practicing, and these incidents completely changed my life. Whenever someone asks me to describe the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa, I tell them my life has become simple, yet positive and fulfilling!”

Chen Mei said she became calm and optimistic. “Before practicing I was prone to anxiety, often obsessing over the smallest things. I worried whenever my children came home late or drove somewhere. I was always strongly competitive and jealous of others, to the point that I failed to see my ingrained trait. Through cultivation, I discovered my ignorance and pride and got rid of these bad mentalities. Afterwards my mind became more relaxed, and I could face difficulties calmly.”

Chen Mei was involved in a serious car accident. She miraculously escaped unscathed and even helped comfort the other driver. “My car was so badly hit the entire side was dented. I had to crawl out from a small gap. While I was uninjured, the other driver was so terrified that all color left his face. Although it was his fault, the first thing that came to my mind was to comfort him instead of confronting him. The police who later arrived at the scene also found it strange that I remained unhurt despite extensive damage to the driver’s side of the car.

“Master has always thought about Dafa practitioners in mainland China, while worrying and enduring the karma for practitioners worldwide. Words are inadequate to express my thanks to Master. On this Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish to tell Master that I will definitely do my best to help in Fa-rectification and I look forward to seeing Master smile in happiness!”

New Zealand Practitioner Is Grateful for Master’s Compassionate Salvation

Ms. Sun Runhua wishes Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ms. Sun Runhua moved to New Zealand in 1996. Her daughter and son-in-law practiced Falun Dafa and she decided to practice. Before she began cultivating Dafa, Ms. Sun was competitive and wanted to be better than others in every regard. Cultivation practice helped her gradually understand that one should be kind to others and reflect upon oneself to see where one can improve when encountering issues.

In 2017, a wound appeared on the big toe on Ms. Sun’s right foot. The bloody, foul smelling open wound became so painful that it even kept her awake at night. One night, the terrible pain left her shaking uncontrollably, in a cold sweat, and so weak that she could barely stand. A doctor advised her to get an amputation right away because the infection had already rotted her tissues to the bone. Without an amputation, the rot would gradually expand until it reached her entire foot, calf, and thigh, and could even endanger her life. She realized, “I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I cannot acknowledge this arrangement. I deny it and I will use this as a cultivation opportunity.”

Ms. Sun practiced the exercises and studied the Fa. Her rotting wound began to close, and pus oozed out. Eventually, the wound miraculously healed on its own. “Practitioners’ righteous thoughts come from the Fa and their faith in Master. After breaking through my human concepts I firmly believed in Dafa and endured the pain as I eliminated my karma. Only by diligently studying the Fa and looking inward to cultivate myself can I fully understand the teachings of Dafa and appreciate Master’s efforts for us.

“Looking back on my cultivation path, even when I held the barest shreds of righteous thought, Master continued to protect and bless me. Words cannot express my gratitude to Master. I can only cultivate diligently and live up to Master’s expectations. I wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”