(Minghui.org) When talking to people about Falun Dafa, I have met people who offered to help me distribute Dafa materials or help others quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Their kindness and support fills me with admiration. I’d like to share a few touching stories of the emotional and compassionate responses from those who have awakened after understanding the truth about Falun Dafa.

Elderly Man Offers Donation to Make Dafa Materials

I once spoke to a man in his fifties about Falun Dafa. Then I gave him a copy of the Minghui Weekly magazine and an amulet bearing the two phrases, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” I told him that this amulet could protect him. As he was scanning the pages of the magazine, he said happily, “This book is so beautifully printed and it must have cost a lot of money!” He was surprised to hear that we pay for all the Dafa materials ourselves and give them away for free. 

He said Dafa practitioners were extraordinary and remarkable, and then added, “Everyone else just wants to make money for themselves these days. All government officials are corrupt, and everyone is only interested in personal benefit and gain, yet you spend your own money to produce materials to save people. That’s truly amazing!”

As he spoke, he took out two hundred yuan from his pocket, and handed it to me saying, “I am deeply moved by the selflessness of you Dafa practitioners, and would like to donate two hundred yuan for making Falun Dafa materials. Let me also do a good deed to save people.”

Hearing that, tears welled up in my eyes, while I explained, “We appreciate your good intentions, but as Dafa disciples, we cannot accept this money. Our practice strictly prohibits accepting personal donations.”

A Young Man Offers to Help Distribute Falun Dafa Materials

I went to a village to clarify the truth there. I saw three people working in a field, and approached the young woman and older man first. I told them about Falun Dafa and gave them each a copy of Minghui Weekly. They happily accepted it and agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. 

As I was approaching the third person, a young man, he told me that he already knew the truth and had withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations a long time ago. He had also read issues of Minghui Weekly that we distributed in his village. He said that he loved reading Minghui Weekly because the stories were upright and inspiring. He urged me to bring more of the magazines to his village because many other people also enjoyed reading them. In the end, he added, “If you’re short on hands, I can help distribute them, and I can even find a few other people to help you as well!”

His sincerity and heartfelt words deeply touched me. I thanked him for his kindness and courage.

A Young Woman Helps Her Friends Quit the CCP

I went shopping at a clothing store one day. As I was paying for my clothes, I started to tell the shop assistant about FalunDafa. As soon as she heard the truth, she asked, “Are you a Falun Dafa practitioner?” I nodded and she said happily, “Great! Now I can complete my task!”

Then she told me, “A few days ago, another lady told me the truth about Falun Dafa, and helped me quit the Communist Youth League that I joined before. After quitting, I felt so relaxed and pleased! Later, I told two of my friends about this. They agreed and wanted to quit the Party as well to protect their future, but they didn’t know where to find a Dafa practitioner to help them. I promised to help them if I met another Dafa practitioner at work.” 

As she was telling me this, she took a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to me. “Here are their names,” she said. “They want to quit the Communist Youth League that they were part of.” I took the paper from her and said, “You’ll be blessed for helping your friends quit the Party!” She smiled.

A Woman Is Excited to Quit the CCP

One day, I ran into a middle-aged woman. As we passed each other, I gave her a copy of Minghui Weekly and told her that this magazine contained information on how to save oneself during disasters.

She told me that she’d read Minghui Weekly before, and had learned the truth about Falun Dafa. I said if she hadn’t yet quit the CCP, I could help her. As soon as I said this, she gave me a big hug and said excitedly, “I have finally met a Falun Dafa practitioner who can help me quit the CCP’s organizations! I have been waiting for this for a long time. Someone often left Dafa materials in front of my house and I read every one of them carefully. I totally agree that it’s urgent to quit the Party as soon as possible, but I just couldn’t find a Falun Dafa practitioner to help me. We are indeed predestined to meet! Please help me quit the CCP and the other organizations I’ve joined.”

I helped her come up with a pseudonym and then helped her quit the CCP. I also gave her an amulet. She happily accepted it and hugged me again, saying, “Falun Dafa practitioners are so kind. Thank you!” I told her to thank Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. She said immediately, “Thank you, Master!”

In nearly twenty years of clarifying the truth face to face and saving people, I have encountered many people who have awakened after learning the truth. Their sincerity and kind words constantly motivate me to keep moving forward on the path of cultivation and continue clarifying the truth to help Master save people.