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Pancreatic Cancer Patient Recovers After Reading Zhuan Falun

Sept. 14, 2024 |   By Shangshui, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My friend and her husband made a lot of money selling medicinal herbs, and bought a piece of land in the countryside which they planned to farm. I talked to them about Falun Dafa and the persecution, and they quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

My friend accepted what I told her, but her husband only cared about making money. He didn’t want to hear about Dafa and reluctantly withdrew from the CCP organizations.

She wept when she called me in 2008. When I asked her what happened she said her husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was shocked, especially since I knew this cancer has the highest mortality rate. I wasn’t able to say much on the phone, so I told her to wait for me at the station in her village the next day.

I brought a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa and several pamphlets titled, “Blessings From the Divine Beings,” and amulets (Falun Dafa symbols) which had Dafa messages written on them.

She said her husband was bedridden and couldn’t eat. I said, “I think Master is the only one who can help him. It would be better if he could read Zhuan Falun, but if he can’t then ask him recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Your family can recite the auspicious phrases for him, and read the pamphlets to him.”

My friend phoned me a week later and said, “He was able to eat after reciting the auspicious phrases for four days. He can do some light work now.”

They visited me a few weeks later. Her husband looked serious and didn’t say a word. He took off his coat, went to the room that had Master’s photo, and kowtowed to him. My friend and I wept after seeing this.

“Falun Dafa Is Truly Impressive!”

My husband’s relative was in an accident. She became a paraplegic, and her injury affected her ability to use her legs. Her husband suffered from liver disease, was always in a bad mood and constantly scolded her all day.

Her son lost his job, and his wife took their child and left him. She felt miserable and couldn’t stop weeping.

When her daughter saw me and was told that I recovered from my illness after practicing Falun Dafa she asked for a copy of Zhuan Falun.

I brought Zhuan Falun and some informational materials to their house the next day. The relative couldn’t put the book down after she began reading.

I saw her six months later. She was in good spirits and looked like a different person. When her husband chided her, she didn’t get upset. Instead she smiled and said, “I understand now that I had a lot of karma that I had to repay.”

Her husband told me, “Falun Dafa is truly impressive!”