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Only by Having Compassion Can We Successfully Rescue Practitioners

Aug. 24, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My husband was arrested late in 2023. I knew nothing about how to rescue him other than sending righteous thoughts. When the police called and told me to come to where he was detained, my mind went blank. When I tried to remember what Master said about how to handle situations like this, I remembered one of Master’s poems,

“In the world is a great Arhat, Spirits and ghosts fear greatly.” (“Mighty Virtue,” Hong Yin)

I felt a weight was lifted from my shoulders, and I calmed down, knowing that I needed to face everyone in the government like I was an Arhat in this world.

I went to the detention center and met with a group of officers. When I saw my husband handcuffed to a chair and being interrogated, my anger erupted. I raised my voice and my attitude was far from compassionate. My husband had to remind me to cool down even though he was the one being persecuted. Without compassion, I acted nothing like an Arhat, so my rescue effort failed. The police gave me my husband’s belongings and ordered me to leave.

The next time I went to see my husband, no one was there. Those who had just been arrested were taken there and interrogated. It took me a while to find the officer who arrested my husband. He told me he transferred the case to the National Security Bureau. No one in the government would tell me where the National Security Bureau was. Each person I spoke with told me to go home and wait. Over the next three weeks, I repeatedly went back to the police department and asked for the address of the National Security Bureau. One officer eventually told me the approximate location but not the address. It was hidden and there was a security check at the entrance.

A lawyer and I went to the National Security Bureau. A group of hostile officers surrounded us and rebutted everything we said. It seemed that they were only interested in defending what they did and getting rid of us instead of listening to why we were there. They even threatened to forward my husband’s case to the procuratorate that afternoon. My rescue effort had failed again.

Three days after my husband’s case was forwarded to the procuratorate, the lawyer and I made an appointment with the prosecutor in charge of the case. He refused to meet with any member of the family, so I had to wait outside and send righteous thoughts while the lawyer spoke with him. The prosecutor denied all the lawyer’s requests and made the arrest official.

Nothing I tried seemed to work. I felt frustrated because I tried so hard. My brother asked, “Are you going to keep doing this?” I told him that I’d do whatever I thought was right. But was what I did right?

I didn’t think I was relying on the lawyer too much, as I knew clearly that he had limited effect in a case like this. I dug deeper as I recalled my dealings with the police and prosecutor, and found that my thoughts hadn’t been pure. I wanted to prove to them that I was right and they were wrong. I also held a grudge and hated them. These thoughts were hidden and did not conform to the teachings of Falun Dafa. When I had such notions and thoughts, my words carried no weight and couldn’t move the officials or the police, whose minds were filled with the Chinese Communist Party’s lies.

After rectifying myself and removing my hatred, I wrote a letter to the prosecutor. I wanted him to know the facts about Falun Dafa. I explained from a third-party perspective why my husband practiced Falun Dafa, and how practicing helped him become a good person. Practicing Falun Dafa violates no laws, and I reminded him why it’s important to be kind. I didn’t ask for anything for myself.

After I mailed the letter to the prosecutor, I wrote another letter to the head of the National Security Bureau and delivered it in person. As soon as he opened the door and saw me, he asked many questions. This time, I didn’t react to his negative emotions. I was unmoved and continued to have kind thoughts. After he read my letter his attitude changed.

About four months later, the lawyer and I met with the prosecutor again. This time, he didn’t ask me to leave the meeting. During the two hour long meeting, I clarified the truth, and our conversation was peaceful. I later learned that before he met with us, he met with my husband and told him he recommended a lighter sentence for him. Master said:

“Mercy can melt heaven and earth into springRighteous thought can save people of the world.”(“Fa Rectifies the Cosmos,” Hong Yin II)

After I changed the way I thought and eliminated my hatred and resentment, I was able to truly care about the future of the police and the prosecutor, sympathize with their difficult situations, and hope they made the right decision so they would have a bright future.

My rescuing efforts are still ongoing. What I learned during this is that the process of rescuing practitioners is an opportunity to rectify oneself—in other words, it’s a cultivation opportunity. The process involves four parties: the rescuer (me), the government workers, the defendant (my husband), and the lawyer.

As a rescuer, how should I treat the other parties? When facing government workers, I interact with them using compassion. And when my compassion touches their knowing side and dissolves the evil elements that work against me, their good elements will take charge and help things move in a positive direction. As for the defendant, besides sending righteous thoughts for him, I encourage him and, at the same time, point out his shortcomings so that he can also rectify himself. As for the lawyer, I learned about the laws in China and told him facts about Falun Dafa so that he could help me clarify the truth to the government workers on the basis of the law.

I can feel Master is next to me and protects me during my rescue efforts.

Thank you, Master! Thank you fellow practitioners for your selfless support.