(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. During these 28 years, I repeatedly witnessed Falun Dafa’s miraculous power.

When the persecution began in 1999, it was as if the sky was falling on us. Practitioners brought their Falun Dafa books to my home for safekeeping. The authorities listed me as a key person in the area, and the management at work talked to me every day, restricting my personal freedom and making me report my whereabouts at all times.

The atmosphere was terrifying. Coworkers said I might lose my job and be imprisoned. However, protected by Master, I didn’t feel any pressure.

The police gathered all the practitioners in our area for questioning, and everyone looked grave. I told them, “Don’t be afraid, we aren’t criminals. We’re just being good people.”

I calmly chatted with the police and told them, “I was the youngest sick person in my workplace, and everyone knew it. But look at me now: I’m energetic. I’m no longer the sick person I was two years ago. Don’t people say seeing is believing? I’m a living example of how amazing Falun Dafa is.”

The officers looked at me, and replied, “You can leave now.” Although they told me to be at their beck and call, they never called me.

I was illegally arrested while giving out information about Falun Dafa in 2007. Again, under Master’s protection, I was released using righteous thoughts.

“How did you get online?”

After the persecution started, I lost contact with other practitioners because at that time I worked in a remote mountainous area. I was like a lost child. In 2002, I was transferred to work in the city.

Leaving for work one morning, I opened the door and found a False Fire VCD and a copy of Minghui Weekly. I took the VCD to my workplace and asked my coworker how to watch it. I was told I needed a computer or a video player.

I bought a video player and watched False Fire that night. I don’t know how many times I replayed it, but I watched it over and over until my eyes were swollen with tears. I vowed to find other practitioners. From then on, wherever I went I asked if anyone knew someone who practiced Falun Dafa.

I also bought a computer. Every day when I came home, I turned it on, and typed in the Minghui website URL to try and access Minghui.org. This became my daily routine.

Heaven rewards those with high aspirations and determination. I was finally able to access Minghui and saw a brief introduction of Master and the recent developments in Dafa. I was so overwhelmed that I cried and laughed.

My husband thought something was wrong and rushed over to check on me. I excitedly told him, “I’ve found my way home!” I kept repeating, “I’m on Minghui!”

My husband asked, “How did you get online when we don’t have an Internet connection? It’s amazing!”

The Amazing Story of My Brother’s Family

My brother started practicing Falun Dafa a few months before I did. After the persecution began in July 1999, he faced severe persecution and experienced several life-threatening situations. Without Master’s protection, he might not have survived.

My brother was building a prefabricated steel house for someone. As he walked on the roof holding a sheet of metal, it touched a high-voltage line above. A flash of fire appeared, and my brother rolled off the roof engulfed in a fireball.

His coworkers were stunned with fear and thought he had been electrocuted by the high-voltage current. Before anyone could react, my brother got up as if nothing happened.

People were astonished and rushed over to check if he was hurt. Unaware of what happened, my brother asked what was wrong. When they explained, he calmly said, “It’s okay, I’m protected by Master!”

He reassured them that he was fine, although the soles of his shoes had holes where the electricity burned through them. When he removed his shoes, he found thumb-sized black holes in the center of both soles, but he was not harmed.

In the fall of 2022, my brother was driving his wife and daughter on an errand when they were involved in a terrible accident on the way back. The car was totaled, and while my brother and his wife were seriously injured, their five-year-old daughter miraculously remained unharmed.

Amazingly, the little girl climbed out of the wreckage without crying or panicking. She calmly called for help for her parents, then climbed back into the car to gather her dad’s important papers. She even provided the rescuers with her uncle’s phone number. If not for Master’s protection, how could a five-year-old child have been so calm and brave?

People pulled my brother and his wife out of the car. His wife was a bloody mess, while my brother appeared uninjured on the outside. When he was examined at the hospital, the doctor said he had serious internal injuries and had to be transferred to another hospital. The doctor warned the family that the surgeries would likely cost over 100,000 yuan (USD$14,000).

I told my brother, “Only Master can save you. Let’s ask Master for help!” While he was being transported to the provincial hospital, I asked Master to help.

After we arrived at the provincial hospital, we had to wait for a long time due to the number of COVID-19 patients. While we waited, I noticed my brother’s complexion kept improving. When the doctor finished his examination, he said, “No surgery is needed. Conservative treatment is recommended.”

One of our sisters exclaimed, “What a fright! It turned out to be a false alarm.” My brother and I knew that Master saved him.

My sister-in-law also had a scare. The doctor said she was likely to be paralyzed or may even die. She later told us that while she was being resuscitated, her soul left her body. She saw many people surrounding her, and her sisters were crying. As she was about to leave, a voice told her, “Go back.” She then woke up.

My brother and my sister-in-law both recovered quickly. They were able to move around and go out in less than 20 days. If it weren’t for the amazing power of Falun Dafa, how could my sister-in-law, who had suffered a comminuted fracture of the fourth to fifth thoracic vertebrae, recover so quickly? It’s just as Master said:

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

Falun Dafa practitioners experienced countless miracles like this. What I wrote down is just a small fraction of what I’ve personally experienced.

Thank you, esteemed Master!