(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Peiming was subjected to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting, and what happened to him became media outlet headlines. So far 36 media outlets have published reports on how Mr. Cheng had his organs harvested by the CCP. Mr. Cheng survived and fled China, but countless practitioners died as a result of the brutality.

Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Peiming narrates his experience and shows his 35-cm scar as a result the CCP’s forced organ harvesting during a press conference in Washington DC on July 3, 2024. (Screenshot of NTDTV video)

The American Spectator: A Witness of CCP’s Genocide Emerges

The American Spectator carried an article titled “A Witness Emerges From Another Communist Gulag” on August 11, 2024. The report states, “Now, a witness has emerged from Communist China’s genocidal campaign against its political dissidents — in this case practitioners of Falun Gong.” Cheng Pei Ming is the latest witness to remind us that communism and evil are synonymous.

The report reads, “Cheng Pei Ming, according to an article in The Diplomat [by Tasnim Nazeer], is ‘the first known survivor of China’s state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting campaign.’ Tasnim Nazeer wrote that his recent testimony at a press conference in Washington, D.C. ‘offered a rare and disturbing glimpse into the horrors faced by prisoners of conscience in China.’”

Mr. Cheng was tortured for not giving up practicing Falun Gong. According to The American Spectator, “He also received several medical ‘operations,’ including an open chest surgery that left a 35 centimeter incision on his left side and back. Scheduled for yet another surgery, Cheng escaped and made his way … to the United States in 2020, where medical tests discovered that parts of his liver and lung ‘had been surgically removed.’”

The British Medical Journal (BMJ): Cheng Peiming Detained Multiple Times for Practicing Falun Gong

BMJ reported on August 12, 2024 that a man spoke at an event in Washington, D.C., about how he was detained, tortured, and forced to undergo surgery in China.

The report reads, “Cheng Pei Ming, described as the ‘first known survivor’ of China’s forced organ harvesting campaign against prisoners, said that he was detained several times between 1999 and 2004 for being a practitioner of Falun Gong.

“After being sentenced to eight years in prison in 2002, Cheng said that he was tortured, and in 2004 forcibly taken to a hospital and pressured to sign consent forms for an operation after swallowing sharp objects. Despite refusing to sign, Cheng said that he was held down by guards and injected with anesthetics.”

The US PubMed also posted the URL link of the article titled “‘Tortured, drugged, and assaulted’: Chinese survivor of forced organ harvesting speaks out.”

The Irish Sun: Pure Evil

The Irish Sun carried a report on August 9, 2024 titled “PURE EVIL I had my organs harvested by China’s ‘Gestapo’ who carved up my lung & liver, says first known survivor of sick torture.”

“Cheng Pei Ming says he endured years of prison torture for practising the Falun Gong religion against the will of the Chinese Communist Party.”

The report continued, “In 2002, Cheng was imprisoned for eight years after advocating for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong by the government.

“He said one day he was taken to a hospital against his will.”

He added, “They tried to force me to sign consent forms for an operation.

“When I refused, six guards grabbed me and held me down and I was injected with something.

“The next thing I remember is being in a hospital bed with tubes in my nose and I was going in and out of consciousness.

“There was a tube with bloody liquid coming from under the bandaging that was on my side.”

The report referred to Professor Wendy Rogers, chair of International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China, who said, “I do not know why the Chinese doctors removed parts of Mr. Cheng’s liver and lungs, but I do know that he did not have a disease or illness requiring this surgery.

“The portion of liver removed is consistent with securing liver tissue suitable for transplantation into a child, but I have no means of knowing if this was the purpose.

“What I do know is that Mr. Cheng was surgically assaulted as part of a wider pattern of persecution, incarceration and torture, and that these events happened to him because he is a practitioner of Falun Gong.”

The Courier Mail: Survivor Exposes the New Details about the Forced Organ Harvesting

The Courier Mail carried a report on August 14 titled, “China’s barbaric practice of live organ harvesting exposed by survivor.” It reads that new details about the horrifying practice of forcibly removing the internal organs of live political prisoners has been exposed by a survivor.

The report reads, “A man who managed to survive China’s barbaric practice of forcibly harvesting the organs of political prisoners, mostly while they are still alive, has broken his silence at an explosive press conference.”

Mr. Cheng was detained for practicing Falun Gong in 1999. After being held for three years, he was sentenced to eight years in prison, where he suffered tortures routinely.

“Among the acts he was subjected to was an interrogation tactic known as ‘the big stretch,’ where his arms and legs were painfully extended by ropes to the point of his skin almost tearing.”

“In late 2004, he was taken to a hospital for an undisclosed surgery that he refused to consent to.” He noted that he was tied to a bed after waking up. His liver and lung had been partially removed.

Later he continued to be tortured. “He staged a hunger strike in 2006, which saw him transferred to a hospital again and told he required another surgery.”

“He asked to use the toilet and a guard freed him and escorted him to a bathroom. When they returned, the officer forgot to re-shackle his hands and feet, offering Mr. Cheng an opportunity to escape.

He fled to the United States in 2020. “American doctors who examined and tested him discovered that half of his left lung was missing, as well as two segments of his liver.

“His extraordinary testimony has offered a disturbing insight into the fates endured by those jailed on trumped up charges or as a result of persecution.”