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Passing Tests One After Another While Believing in Master and Falun Dafa

Aug. 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa for 28 years. I started to practice when I was a student in 1996. I used to be a complicated person, full of karma. I gradually became an honest, kind, and considerate Falun Dafa practitioner. I am very thankful to Master for his compassion and salvation. If I didn’t practice Falun Dafa, I would be like an everyday person, lost in fame, personal interests, and emotion, and wouldn’t realize that I was living a painful life.

Practicing Falun Dafa with Determination

After I listened to Master’s audio lectures in 1996, I found Dafa to be very good, and I wanted to practice Falun Dafa. But I didn’t genuinely cultivate myself in everyday life. I thought that it was good enough to be a good person. I still acted like an everyday person.

Programs on TV started to slander Falun Dafa after July 20, 1999, and I became frustrated. I knew that they were telling lies. I thought a lot about Falun Dafa, and decided that I would continue cultivating because Falun Dafa was good. I told my friends that Falun Dafa was good and that the TV was broadcasting lies. But in my mind, thoughts, such as “Dafa is fake. You have been cheated and it’s not worth practicing,” kept coming into my mind. I suppressed these thoughts from time to time.

Several practitioners and I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa in October 1999, but we were intercepted by police on the train. I was detained at the local police station for 15 days. The security department from my company tried to force me to write a guarantee statement, and promise that I would not practice Falun Dafa. I refused. Falun Dafa is so good, so how could I possibly betray Falun Dafa? The security department asked my parents to come to see me. They were going to kneel down in front of me and beg me to write the statement. I unwillingly wrote the statement due to my parents’ pressure. But I knew in my heart that Falun Dafa was good, and I planned to continue practicing Falun Dafa with determination.

I felt very bad in my heart after I came home. I knew I had betrayed Master and Dafa. I made a pledge that I would practice Falun Dafa with determination, and would not betray Dafa in the future.

I was fired from my position. I then spent most of my time studying the Fa at home. I realized that Falun Dafa was not just personal cultivation, but had immense meaning. I negated thoughts such as “Falun Dafa is fake. You have been cheated. You are still young and have a bright future. You shouldn’t destroy your young life.” I said to the thought karma, “I will cultivate in Falun Dafa with determination regardless of whether Dafa is genuine or fake.” The thought karma weakened, but it sometimes came up when I ran into trouble.

I was arrested when I was distributing Falun Dafa pamphlets in January 2000, and detained in a detention center for more than a year. I had a large sore on my body that kept oozing pus and wouldn’t heal. The doctor and the director of the detention center urged me to write a statement promising not to practice Falun Dafa, so that I could be released. They were afraid I would die. I refused and said, “I won’t write the statement. I am not afraid of death. Falun Dafa is good.”

Because I was determined, Master helped me. A physical exam showed that I had a serious heart problem. I was released.

In 2004 the security department and human resources department in my company urged me to write a guarantee statement promising to give up Falun Dafa, but I refused. I was fired again. In the years that followed, I had difficulty finding a job. My father complained about me, and this upset me. Bad thoughts that I had lost my job due to practicing Falun Dafa came into my mind.

After I had such thoughts several times, I started to face them squarely. It was not wrong to practice Falun Dafa. My life was longing for it. The CCP had me fired and caused me to lose my job. It had nothing to do with Falun Dafa. I dispelled the unrighteous thoughts decisively to not allow them to interfere with me.

I had to repeatedly change jobs over the following several years. I no longer complained about Falun Dafa. I made fliers and distributed them with other practitioners. I did the three things to validate Dafa. The bad thoughts gradually disappeared.

As I studied the Fa more, Master continuously gave me hints, which reinforced my confidence in cultivation. I was strict with myself in cultivation. I realized that the tests of thought karma were nothing, and that my every thought and action in everyday life could reflect whether I believed in Master and Falun Dafa, as well as whether I genuinely cultivated in Dafa, and that if I acted righteously and my thoughts were righteous, that demonstrated genuine cultivation in Dafa.

Not Relaxing in Studying the Fa

All practitioners know that studying the Fa well is the foundation for doing the three things well. I was on my own at work and not busy. I was relatively independent.

I used my cell phone to visit the Minghui and PureInsight websites. I have since downloaded materials from the Minghui website for more than ten years without any interruptions. I have downloaded every edition of the Minghui Weekly podcast, and I listen to them again and again. I have benefited a lot from them. I read Zhuan Falun after dinner and send forth righteous thoughts on the clock. I start practicing the exercises at 9:30 p.m. This is my daily routine. My life is simple but I feel fulfilled every day. Dafa is like a vast sea, into which we assimilate bit by bit.

When there were small conflicts at work, I would feel sad, surprised, or happy. I looked within under the guidance of the Fa and rectified each situation, one by one. Improving xinxing was a long and fine process, just like waves crashing onto the shore and clearing away the debris. The process was everlasting.

Maintaining and Elevating Xinxing

When I had just obtained the Fa, I realized that I needed to become a good person. But it was hard for me to maintain my xinxing. As I studied the Fa more, I realized that I should take the Fa as teacher, believe in Master and the Fa, and become a cultivator according to the Fa’s criteria. But I failed to maintain my xinxing many times during conflicts. I felt sad and got angry with myself. As I studied the Fa more and remembered the Fa in my heart, things got a bit better. But still I failed during sudden tests. I was not able to get rid of hidden attachments.

I had too many attachments. I was hypocritical and resentful. I regarded myself as an everyday person. I liked good food. I liked to watch TikTok. These were all human attachments. I needed to pay attention and eliminate them.

When I cultivated myself diligently, I would not take people’s words to heart. I was happy. I recently realized that I didn’t come here to be just an everyday person. My life was created by the Fa and I was a God created by the Fa. Gods are sacred and majestic. I knew I should keep the Fa in my mind, do the three things well, comply with the Fa principles, and cultivate myself as diligently as when I just started to cultivate.

Clarifying the Truth

I clarified the truth to people a lot, but not many people agreed to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I thought I was not good at talking. I read a lot of sharing articles in the Minghui Weekly and even memorized some of the paragraphs. I then achieved better results in clarifying the truth.

I didn’t study the Fa much for a period of time. When I went out to clarify the truth to people, I was thinking about what I would do if I was reported to the police, what I would do if people didn’t accept it, and what if people thought I was involved in politics. I was interfered with by negative thoughts. No wonder I didn’t achieve good results.

After studying Master’s Lecture “20th Anniversary Fa Teaching” I knew the reason. I had too many human attachments and my xinxing was low. As a result, people didn’t want to withdraw from the CCP.

I constantly reminded myself to study the Fa more, improve my xinxing, and clarify the truth with compassion and dignity. I subsequently achieved better results. People started to agree to quit the CCP.

Believing in Master and the Fa

This is a very important issue. A practitioner must believe in Master and the Fa. I realized that I must believe Master’s every sentence, and strictly act according to Master’s requirements.

Several days ago I came across my nephew’s friend, Mr. Wang. I had clarified the truth to him several times but he hadn’t agreed to quit the CCP. My nephew said that Mr. Wang was very cunning and asked me not to talk to him anymore.

It was not a coincidence that Mr. Wang came to this earth. He was once a relative of Master and came for the Fa. I knew I shouldn’t give up on him, and that he once had the courage to come to earth to be saved. I pleaded with Master to strengthen me. I believed that Dafa could save him. I explained to him why he should withdraw from the CCP, why the CCP is a demon, and how wonderful Falun Dafa is. He listened to me quietly and didn’t say anything. After I finished, I asked him if he would like to quit the CCP with an alias. He said he had joined the Young League and would like to withdraw his membership.

I was very touched. When I had pure thoughts for saving sentient beings, Master helped me and helped Mr. Wang agree to quit the CCP.

The above is my sharing. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.