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"In the Past You Bought Medicine in Big Boxes, But Now You No Longer Need to Buy Any Medicine"

June 29, 2003 |  

June 13, 2003


"In the Past You Bought Medicine in Big Boxes, But Now You No Longer Need to Buy Any Medicine"

I used to have gastroenteritis, bone spurs in my neck, a herniated disc, and severe rheumatism. I often experienced much difficulty making my way up and down the stairs. In the summertime, I did not dare have fans blow on me. I had to buy my medication in big boxes and I would take over 100 pills every day in order to stay alive. Each hospital treatment would cost 700 Yuan,* but my salary was only 260 Yuan each month. Amidst such a miserable situation I was struggling just to survive.

At the time there was just no way to live. One of my relatives introduced me to Falun Gong, and after practicing for a period of time, my body gradually recovered. I no longer felt tired going up and down the stairs, and my indigestion was gone. After practicing for another period of time, joints in my hands were no longer painful and the swelling reduced. One elderly lady was amazed, "In the past you bought medicine in big boxes, but now you no longer need to buy any medicine. You are even in high spirits. It is wonderful." I told her, "It is because I practice Falun Gong that I have recovered. It is truly the power of Dafa, and it is Dafa that gave me a second life."

The Explosion of a Pressure Cooker Didn't Hurt Me Even a Little

One day in July of 2002, I was using a pressure cooker to cook congee. All of a sudden, the cooker exploded, and the blast shook the floors and walls. The kitchen was filled with smoke and steam. The congee splattered all over my body. I told my children: "I am fine." After cleaning up, I found that only three of my toes were hurt. There was a black and blue bruise on my left leg, and the skin of my face, neck, and body turned red, but there were no blisters, and I felt no pain. The congee splattered everywhere in the kitchen. The lid of the cooker was pressed flat, and the thick bottom had a huge dent. The next morning, I practiced the exercises as usual; nothing was wrong with me. When my family saw this situation, they were all surprised and exclaimed, "Falun Dafa is really amazing."

* Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.