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The Facts Prove that "Good is Rewarded with Good and Evil Provokes Retribution" is a Heavenly Principle (1)

April 23, 2002 |  


Evil Retribution Cases for Persecuting Dafa

  1. Chen Jiangang, deputy director of Erxianqiao Police Station of Chengdu City, had persecuted many Dafa practitioners. On August 28, 2001, while answering a phone call, he fell to the ground and died on the spot.
  2. The former director of Tiaodenghe Police Station of Chengdu City had been active in persecuting Dafa practitioners. Only in his 40's, he died unexpectedly, which caused much panic among the police.
  3. Yan Bin, deputy director of Tangpajie Police Station, slandered Dafa at a regional administrative meeting. At the age of 36, he is now afflicted with nasal cancer in its late phase.
  4. The former director of Shiren Police Station of Chengdu City had been active in persecuting Dafa practitioners. He was traveling with his pregnant wife when the whole family was killed in a traffic accident.
  5. Xiao Yuanshou, former director of Baiguolin Police Station of Chengdu City, had persecuted Dafa practitioners on several occasions. He developed cancer in November 2001 and died.
  6. On the evening of June 28, 2001, two policemen from Fuqin Police Station of Chengdu City tortured to death Dafa practitioner Xu Zhilian, an outstanding teacher. Two months later, both of them died unexpectedly.
  7. Wang Zhengli, director of Fuqin Police Station of Chengdu City, was directly responsible for the above killing [of Xu Zhilian]. Following the death of the two policemen, he was stabbed fifteen times by a criminal.
  8. Li Guangrong, a policeman in his 40's at the Qingyangzhengjie Police Station of Chengdu city, asked a Dafa practitioner angrily: "Do you still want to go to Beijing?" The practitioner answered: "Yes, unless the Fa is rectified." Li replied: "What? I would have to die if the Fa is rectified!" Then he sent the practitioner to a detention center. Three days later, Li caught a fever which the doctors could not diagnose. Li died later that night.
  9. Hao Wuyuan, secretary of the Political and Legal Commission of Chenghua District of Chengdu City, could not distinguish good from bad and slandered Dafa. Now he is afflicted with a fatal disease and is likely to die soon.
  10. Wen Guogang, a retired cadre from the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Department of Chengdu City, lived in 7-3-8-4-12, Baishou Road of Chengdu City. In May 2001, Wen met two Dafa practitioners who handed him some truth-clarification material. He hurried to Baiguolin Police Station and turned in the material. On his way back home, he suddenly fell to the ground and later died.
  11. Yin Xiande, a policeman from Xinmin Town of Xindu County in Chengdu City, slandered Dafa even when others warned him not to. Within a month, he was hit by a truck while riding his motorcycle and was killed instantly.
  12. Li Hanqing, deputy director of Gaopian Town Police Station in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, was in his 40's. Because of persecuting Dafa practitioners, he was afflicted with cancer, now in its advanced stage. Recently he was also diagnosed as having liver cirrhosis.
  13. Xiao Jian, mayor of Xiangyang Town of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, had an accident the second day after he persecuted Dafa practitioners. Xiao's father died at the scene. His wife was severely injured. Xiao's ribs were fractured and his thigh was irreparably damaged. Because of his crime, his whole family suffered.
  14. Xie Chunxiang, a policeman from Guanghan City Detention Center of Sichuan Province known for persecuting Dafa practitioners, died in a traffic accident when he was hit by a truck carrying sand. His body was horribly mutilated.
  15. Hu Haiqing, who worked at Sichuan Meishan Automobile Factory, slandered Dafa on local television. In July 2001, while operating a crane, he was shocked by electricity and died, despite the fact that he was wearing insulated gloves at the time.
  16. Chen Jishun, a villager at Ninth Team of Leiyin Village, Li-an Town, Pengzhou County of Sichuan Province, burned Dafa books that belonged to his mother. Soon after, four of his fingers were cut by a power saw.
  17. Luo Shiyuan, the party secretary of the Fifteenth Village, Mengyang Town, Pengzhou City of Sichuan province, wrote slogans to slander Dafa. Eight days later, his grandson drowned in a swimming accident. The crimes Luo committed even affected his offspring.
  18. Chen Shouhong, former party secretary of Sanjie Town, Pengzhou City of Sichuan Province, was hateful to Dafa and had been active in tearing up truth-clarification materials. The first time he destroyed some Dafa material, he stumbled while walking. The second time, he stumbled again. Still, he did not awaken. When he destroyed Dafa materials a third time, he stumbled, fell to the ground and could not get up anymore. He was carried to his home, where he remains in a vegetative state.
  19. Wu Hong, a resident at Siwenjie Village, Pengzhou City of Sichuan Province, picked up some truth-clarification material on the road and turned it in to the local police station. The director of the police station asked him to cooperate in catching Falun Gong practitioners and promised to reward him and give him a job. Wu was extremely happy at the news. However, two days later Wu suffered a severe headache and died on his way home.
  20. Wang Jin, deputy director of Chengguan Police Station of Qionglai City in Sichuan Province, Wang Yanping, party secretary of No.1 residential committee, and Li Jiulian, party secretary of No.2 residential committee, had abused and severely beaten Dafa practitioners. In the later half of 2000, when three of them were driving a car on the Nanhe Bridge, the car overturned and plunged into the river. Many of Wang Jin's bones were fractured. Both Wang Yanping and Li Jiulian remained unconscious for the following two days and nights. In 2001, Wang Yanping died in his bathroom while taking a bath. Following his death, Wang Yanping was found guilty of embezzling over 100,000 Yuan of public funds. Both Wang Jin and Li Jiulian were also arrested on suspicion of embezzling public funds.
  21. The mayor of a city in Sichuan Province burned Dafa books and made plans to persecute Dafa practitioners. Soon after, the mayor was run over on the expressway by a big Dongfeng-brand truck and died.
  22. Dong Jinhua, deputy director of Fangzi District Police Station of Weifang City, Shandong Province, about 42 years old, was zealous in persecuting Dafa practitioners. On September 14, 2001, both Dong and his wife were burned to death in a traffic accident.
  23. Peng Kaifa, vice party secretary of Qiyang County, Hunan Province, while speaking at a county-wide Political and Legal conference, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. He received emergent medical treatment, but remains catatonic.
  24. Chen Wen, director of Tongliang County Police Station of Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan Province, persecuted Dafa. Subsequently, Chen, his wife and brother-in-law all died in a traffic accident.
  25. Zhou Liangzhi, director of Social Security Department of Tongliang County Police Station, Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan Province, persecuted Dafa practitioners. On February 26, 2001, Zhou unexpectedly died in his office.
  26. The President of Number One Hospital of Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province cursed Falun Gong at several meetings and participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. In September 2000, his head was cracked open in a traffic accident and he died.
  27. Bai, a villager from Nanyuan Village, Baoqing Town of Heilongjiang Province, tipped off the police about Dafa practitioners a few times and therefore received close to 10,000 Yuan in "reward." Soon after, he was torn into three pieces in a traffic accident--his head, body and legs were all separated.
  28. Zhou Kaidong, director of Beijing Municipal Labor Camp, had been "honored and awarded" for persecuting Dafa. Soon after, his crime of embezzling over 20 million Yuan was exposed. In May 2001, he was arrested and then died unexpectedly.
  29. Meng Dexi, Party Organization minister of Changchun City, Jilin Province, actively persecuted Falun Gong. Meng was recently put under house arrest for bribery, and his son was stabbed to death.
  30. Mi Fengjun, party secretary of Changchun City, Jilin Province, actively persecuted Falun Gong. He is now under house arrest and investigation for bribery, embezzlement and corruption, etc.
  31. Eighty officials of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, including Mu Sui (mayor, now fatally ill) and Ma Xiangdong (vice mayor) will face trial soon for corruption. The notorious Masanjia Labor Camp, where eighteen female Dafa practitioners were stripped and thrown into male cells, is located in this city.
  32. Jiao Junxian, party secretary of Jingmen City, Hubei Province, was arrested on criminal charges.
  33. Wang Huaizhong, vice governor of Anhui Province, and Xiao Zuoxin, mayor of Fuyang City, are involved in legal proceedings for corruption, along with nearly 100 other corrupt officials.
  34. Yu Ding, former secretary of the Political and Legal Commission of Guilin City, Guizhou Province, was sentenced to the death penalty.
  35. According to high-level sources, Li Lanqing, member of the Politburo, upon learning that many police and government officials had received retribution for persecuting Falun Gong and that even his own relatives had been beaten to death, became very nervous. Especially after he read the most recent article by the founder of Falun Gong, he feared that he might also receive retribution and became restless. He is often unable to sleep, sitting up all night sighing and worrying. It is said that Li is seeking to give up his job as the head of the anti-Falun Gong Leadership Team, with the excuse of preferring to focus on education work.