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Latest News from China - 08/21/2001

Aug. 29, 2001



1. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Thugs Rampantly Kidnap Practitioners and Take them to Brainwashing Classes; Over 1000 Women Practitioners Are Illegally Detained in Shandong Wangchun Forced Labor Camp

Recently, the lawless thugs of Qingdao city began to arrest practitioners to brainwash them again, and many practitioners have been detained. The practitioners, however, have been steadfast. When the vicious thugs saw that the practitioners didn't comply with their pressure, they transferred about 6 of them to Shandong Province Wangchun Forced Labor Camp for further persecution. None of the detained practitioners were allowed visitors.

A reliable source said that in one Wangchun Forced Labor Camp, the number of detained female practitioners has exceeded 1000. The districts of Qingdao city have been planning their brainwashing classes deviously. Practitioners in Qingdao City: please be cautious and use your righteous thoughts to destroy the evil suppression.

We suggest that all practitioners in the Qingdao area send out righteous thoughts every 5:30AM and 10PM together to eliminate the evils in the Qingdao area and in Three Realms. We shall defeat the evil and help the detained practitioners to walk out of the evil's den.

Criminal name:

Cheng Zhimou, responsible for North City District brainwashing class of Qingdao city.

2. [Hubei Province] Lawless Vice Director of Police Department Zhao Zhifei Retaliates Against Practitioners After Being Accused in America

After the Vice Director of the Police Department of Hubei Province (who is responsible for torturing practitioner Peng Liang to death in custody) was hauled into court on his tour in America, the police of Wuchang city began arresting the practitioners they thought might have known practitioner Peng Liang.

Another source said, due to a spy who called himself a practitioner from Beijing, the practitioner who produced the incriminating evidence was arrested last Monday. All his equipment was confiscated, which has caused a big loss to the practitioners in that area.

3. [Tianjin] Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp Tortures Practitioners Both Physically and Mentally

The police guards at Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp tried many methods to apply both physical and mental tortures on steadfast practitioners.

First, they ordered the practitioners to do heavy labor. The workload was so heavy that many practitioners had to work until mid-night. Some practitioners' hands have become deformed by the hard work, while some could only sleep about two hours every day for over two weeks.

Second, they forced the practitioners to read articles defaming Falun Dafa. The police guards brutally beat and cursed anyone who felt sleepy during the reading.

Some practitioners kept on practicing the exercises in the camp. The guards would shock them with three or four electric batons simultaneously, but the practitioners would not give up. Those steadfast practitioners had many injuries. The Four firmest practitioners were called "Four Vajras" (Buddha's Warrior attendants).

The health conditions in this labor camp are very bad. Practitioners can rarely bathe.

People of the world, please be aware of the situation of practitioners detained in labor camps.

4. [Northeast China] Falun Dafa Broadcasting at a Square of XX City

Around 8PM August 4, many people were walking and eating at a large square in northeast China, when loudspeakers began broadcasting programs from the World Falun Dafa Radio Station. People listened quietly and carefully. This brave action greatly suppressed the evil forces.

5. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] A Story About Clarifying the Truth

Every morning, many people go to a park in Qingdao City to do exercises. One morning, everything appeared to be as normal as usual; however, within minutes, people found Falun Dafa slogans and posters placed everywhere they looked. Some people turned around to put down their bags and when they turned back, they saw Dafa slogans on the benches, trees, walls, and almost everywhere else they looked. People discussed amongst themselves, "Falun Gong is really miraculous! In only just a minute so many slogans have appeared, but with so many people in the park, nobody was able to see who did it!"

6. [Beijing] A Huge Rainbow Appears After Practitioners Step Forward to Validate Dafa

Since the evening of August 15 when the rainstorms began, the sky of Beijing has always been gloomy and showers have come continually. During a weekend, despite the heavy rain, many Dafa practitioners again stepped forward to validate Dafa. On August 19, at 7 pm, a huge rainbow appeared in the eastern sky. It was positioned high up in the sky and it was very wide and its colors were very brilliant. Appearing at the same time were colorful clouds with golden fringes floating all over the sky and presenting thousands of picturesque images.

7. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner Is Sentenced to Three Years of Labor Reeducation

A Dafa practitioner from Workshop No.7 of Chengdu Factory 420 was illegally sentenced to three years of labor reeducation for going to Beijing to appeal.

8. [Chengdu city, Sichuan Province] Several Practitioners Are Detained

Seven practitioners from a Chengdu seamless steel tube factory often gathered in the garden of the factory to talk with one another. Recently, while they were in the middle of a discussion, the police came to arrest them. Two practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts and got away, but the others were taken away by the police.

9. [Huainan City, Anhui Province] A List of Criminal Thugs Involved in Brainwashing

Li Duomin, director of the Huainan Political and Law Committee Office

Gao Feng, the Party Secretary of the Tianjiaan Political and Law Committee

Sun Xiyin, the Party Secretary of the Datong Political and Law Committee

Cao XX, Party Secretary of the Panji Political and Law Committee

Feng Jianguo, the director of the Huainan Section One Police Station

Miao XX, the deputy director of the Huainan Section One Police Station

Wang Dong, a policeman from the Huainan Section One Police Station

Wang Guangshe (the most vicious villain in Huainan), the deputy director of Political and Security Affairs Safeguard Department in Tianjiaan Police Substation

Xiao Minhui, the director of Politics Safeguard Department of Tianjiaan Police Substation

The Brainwashing Sessions are held by the Huainan Political and Judiciary Committee in the Huainan Mine Bureau Hotel.

Brainwashing center telephone: 86-554-6644247-4129

The Mine Hotel telephone: 86-554-6644247-4122

Xubin's (the director of the brainwashing session) telephone: 86-554-6644247-4127