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Phone Calls Are Saving Lives

June 27, 2001 |  

Being a US practitioner and speaking no Chinese, I have never participated in the phone call campaign in which kind hearted people personally call the perpetrators of crimes against humanity and heaven - to let them know their deeds are not secret and to give them a chance to change their hearts and actions. I see this as one of the noblest acts of compassion the world has seen - if someone really contemplates it, they can begin to understand. It is certainly uncomfortable to make those first few calls to a stranger, especially when you know he or she is doing bad things. But those callers have realized crimes are being done to their brothers and sisters - unspeakable things that must be stopped.

Master has said that evil fears exposure and we have seen it in this activity. Recently, an article on Clear Wisdom included a small item where a torturer mentioned the fear that killing a practitioner would be reported on the internet. This is direct evidence that the phone call efforts are saving lives. When someone gets a call saying, "I know what you have done...." and wants to know how it is known, finding out that indeed, the world knows because it is published on the World Wide Web, it brings about fear and restricts that evil person's heart. Even better, there have been instances when the phone call has awakened something within the torturer himself. Not only does he reconsider his job and what it is he is doing, he also reconsiders himself. This saves not only his future victims, it saves the torturer himself. Aren't we all trying to improve ourselves? These phone calls encourage the evil ones to reform. Instead of cursing and reviling them, callers are trying to save them. DAFA IS TRULY GREAT!

Of course, not every call is successful, but the call is perhaps the last chance that being has before facing retribution. For all the above reasons, I applaud and encourage all of those who are making these telephone calls that are changing the world.

