The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- October 17, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Deng Wenyang Tortured to Death in Hebei Province in September 2007

  • Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Deng Wenyang lived in Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Since the start of the persecution in 1999 he has been arrested and detained at a forced labor camp multiple times. On September 26, 2007, he was arrested again, and he died from mistreatment ten days after being detained in the Gaoyang Labor Camp.

  • Ms. Wang Xiaofeng and Ms. Wang Xiaoyun, Sisters from Fushun City, Tortured by Police and Jailed in Forced Labor Camp

  • Mr. Deng Wenyang Tortured to Death in Hebei Province in September 2007

    Mr. Deng Wenyang, in his 30s, used to live in Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Because he refused to renounce Falun Gong, he was sentenced to three yeas of forced labor in 1999, which he served. He was severely mistreated in the Kaiping District Labor Camp in Tangshan City, Hebei Province and later transferred to Gaoyang Labor Camp in Baoding City, where he continued to be tortured. 

    One practitioner detained in the same camp stated: "On November 18, 2000, Kaiping Labor Camp was ordered to transfer all detained male Falun Gong practitioners to Gaoyang Labor Camp, which was known for its severe torture and vicious guards. Mr. Gao Shucun, Mr. Deng Wenyang, Mr. Li Qiyue, and I, with 6 more practitioners, were assigned to the fifth ward, which is the most malicious ward. That evening, when we had just arrived, we were forced to stand in the yard and were not given any food. Guards and prisoners shocked us with electric batons and old-fashioned hand-crank phones: they attached our four limbs to the phones and cranked the handles nonstop, torturing us until past midnight."

    The tortures continued, for example, one day in Gaoyang Labor Camp guards forced more than one dozen practitioners to squat in the working plant. Then they cuffed the practitioners' hands apart, and electric baton shocked each of them for thirty minutes. Guards forced Mr. Deng to go through such torture for more than ten days until he passed out. Mr. Deng was released from Gaoyang Labor Camp in 2002.

    Mr. Deng Wenyang was arrested again on August 15, 2007 and taken to Gaoyang Labor Camp on August 30, 2007. Later, he was taken home because he failed the physical.

    On September 26, 2007, Shanhaiguan District Police Department Chief Zhao Ran and 610 Office Chair Zhang Deyue lead more than thirty police officers to storm into Mr. Deng's home although his physical condition had not yet recovered. They arrested him from his bed and carried him to a police vehicle in his underwear. Mr. Deng's old mother fainted when she saw her son being abducted under such conditions.

    Police detained Mr. Deng Wenyang in the Shanhai Guan District Detention Center overnight, then took him to Gaoyang Labor Camp without fulfilling any legal procedures. In only ten days, Mr. Deng Wenyang died in Gaoyang Labor Camp. Details are yet to be investigated.

    In the past several years in Shanhaiguan District, many practitioners  have been taken to forced labor camps, and several hundred practitioners have been detained, extorted for money, forced to go through brainwashing sessions, tortured, forcibly taken to mental hospitals, severely injured and/or tortured to death.

    Ms. Wang Xiaofeng and Ms. Wang Xiaoyun, Sisters from Fushun City, Tortured by Police and Jailed in Forced Labor Camp

    On the evening of September 17, 2007, seven police officers from the Fumin Police Station, in Xinfu District, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoyun and forcibly arrested her and her older sister, practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaofeng. At that time, Ms. Wang Xiaofeng had gone to her sister's house to visit their elderly mother. Subsequently, both sisters' houses were ransacked and some Falun Gong books were confiscated. Their family members went to Fumin Police Station but were not allowed to see them.

    Police officer Wang Xiangdong (male) and other officers from the police station forced the two sisters to "confess" using brutal torture. Ms. Wang Xiaofeng had her hands and feet tied into crosses and was hung up like that for 24 hours. Ms. Wang Xiaoyun's face was deformed from the brutal treatment. Her arms were tied behind her back and then she was hung up. After that, they were sent to the 2nd Detention Center of Fushun City and detained there for nine days. They were sentenced to 15 months of forced labor. On September 27, 2007, the two sisters were taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The camp refused to admit them because of the severity of their injuries. However, the police officers who took them there said that there was no other place they could send them, so they left the two sisters at Masanjia.

    Masanjia Forced Labor Camp detained the two sisters in one cell and had two people watch them. They could not take care of themselves due to the severity of their injuries. Their health was checked out at a hospital. Scores of Ms. Wang Xiaofeng's joints were dislocated. She developed hypertosis, and had difficulty breathing due to conditions in her trachea and heart. Neither of them could eat and they became very thin within10 days. Ms. Wang Xiaoyun was diagnosed with a slipped disc in her back. She could not walk; she wobbled when she stood, and also had difficulty speaking. The two sisters cannot take care of themselves and their lives are in peril. Despite all their health problems, Masanjia Labor Camp officials still refuse to release them.