The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 14, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • The Torture that Led to the Death of Mr. Cui Zhilin in Jinzhou City Prison, Liaoning Province

  • Drug Poisoning - A Method of Torture Often Used by the CCP

  • Ms. Yang Xiaolin Is Still Detained in the Harbin Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province

  • The Persecution of Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and Ms. Qu Hongxiang from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province

  • The Torture that Led to the Death of Mr. Cui Zhilin in Jinzhou City Prison, Liaoning Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Cui Zhilin in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province was arrested by the city's 610 Office on September 18, 2002 and was illegally sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment. He was imprisoned and persecuted in Jinzhou City's Nanshan Prison. On August 4, 2004, he died as a result of the persecution at the age of forty-three. The next day, his family was notified that he "committed suicide by jumping from a building."

    His family found that he had been beaten so badly that his body was too horrible to look at. His body was as thin as a skeleton. His ears, his nose, and his mouth were all stuffed with cotton balls, and there was a hole in the back of his head. One section of the gums in his mouth had become rotten. The whole back of his body was covered with large black and blue patches. There were clear marks of long-lasting electrical shocks on both of his underarms, both sides of the chest, hips, the inner sides of his legs, the whole area below the knees, and especially the area around the ankles. One piece of flesh on his elbow had fallen off. His testicles were swollen and black and blue, and it was obvious that his body had been soaked and cleaned in medical liquid or water. The prison officials threatened his family, and tried every possible means to stop them from taking photos of the body.

    The following is what an insider described of the torture that Cui Zhilin suffered during the few days before his death in the fifth prison district, Jinzhou City Prison.

    At 7:30 p.m., July 27, 2004, Liu Jiandong, the head of the squadron, called Cui Zhilin to the office upstairs and held a "study class" to brainwash him, and tried to force him to "confess". The persons mainly responsible are Li Xiuping, the head of the prison district, and Liu Jiandong, etc.

    From July 27 to August 4, prison guards deprived Mr. Cui of sleep. Whenever he fell asleep, the guards would poke him. They forced him to watch again and again the so-called "educational movies" that slander Falun Gong and force Falun Gong practitioner to give up their faith. They handcuffed him to a specially-made iron chair, cruelly beat him, and tortured him.

    For the first four days, it was the prison guards who were monitoring him in pairs every shift. Later, the prison guards could not sustain it any longer, and they had to get four criminals to continue to monitor him. Two criminals monitored him during the daytime, and the other two at night. Li Xiuping got these four criminals and told them that two of them would be "cited for achievement" if Mr. Cui "confessed" during their shift. The four criminals are Wu Bin, Xue Linming, Zhang Yongzhe, and Zhang Wanjiang. Although it was summertime, they withheld drinking water from Mr. Cui minimize his need to use the restroom. To drink water, Mr. Cui had to ask the prison guard for permission. Each of his three daily meals was also reduced to half the regular amount. They beat him and did not allow him to sleep. Those who worked downstairs every day could hear the noises from upstairs of people beating, swearing, and shocking him with electrical batons in order to force him to "confess".

    On the afternoon of August 4, 2004, Cui Zhilin died. Prison officials claimed that at 4:10 p.m., Mr. Cui "committed suicide by jumping from the office (which was on the second floor) of Liu Xiuping, the head of fifth imprisoning district."

    On August 5, the day after the death of Cui Zhilin, the prison officials held a meeting with 153 criminals, who were all criminals imprisoned in the fifth imprisoning district. Wei Xiaoming, the official from (and who is now the head of) the Section of Surveillance and Re-education through Labor said:

    "We did not want the thing that happened yesterday to happen. But since it happened, we have to face it. Now I'm going to pass to you the direction and requirements of the prison. If leaders from Procuratorate or Prison Management Bureau come to investigate, whichever criminal who is questioned shall answer that you are not clear about it or you were not at the scene. You should not say that Cui Zhilin was brought upstairs for reflection, you should not say that he was not allowed to sleep for eight days or that he was physically punished, and you should not say that some criminals participated in this case. When asked, you should only answer that at sometime after 8:30 a.m. on August 4, the head of the squadron asked Cui Zhilin to go to upstairs for the purpose of education. Later, Cui Zhilin took things too seriously and committed suicide by jumping from a building. Anybody who talks about what should not be discussed will be held responsible for the consequences."

    On August 6, when Mr. Cui's family went to the fifth prison district, all of the criminals were sent back to their rooms, and none of them were allowed to be present at the workshop.

    Xie Li, a criminal in the fifth prison district, wrote some letters to the Procuratorate and Prison Discipline Committee about several prison guards. He wrote that these guards treated human life as if it were not worth a straw, that they beat, swore at, and physically abused 32 inmates, that they accepted money and things from other criminals, and that they conducted deals for "money and power." The prison immediately transferred Xie Liu from the fifth prison district to another district and took revenge against him by imprisoning and severely disciplining him for 80 days, which included torture. Xie Li was entitled to have his term reduced, but the prison authorities would not do so. The prison guards often made trouble for him. Although he worked the same as other criminals, the "re-education achievement" he gained was different. The prison guards told him, "You wanna report this? Go ahead, we are not afraid." Now he is being severely tortured by prison guards. The above are some inhuman things that have happened in Jinzhou City Prison in Liaoning Province.

    Drug Poisoning - A Method of Torture Often Used by the CCP

    The CCP authorities in Qinghai Province has for a long time brutalized practitioners by feeding them unknown drugs. Here us a brief summary of incidents published on Clearwisdom website over the past few years.

    1. Practitioner Ms. Fan Lihong Died as a Result of Torture at the Qinghai Women’s Forced Labor Camp and Mental Hospital

    Sometime between May 5 and 6, 2001, Qinghai Province Women’s Labor Camp officials transported 29-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fan Lihong, a single woman, to a mental hospital against her will. The vicious policemen, doctors and other officials force-fed her drugs at that facility. She was taken to a mental hospital on several occasions and was physically and mentally abused. After Ms. Fan left the mental hospital, she suffered from loss of appetite and was often disoriented. Her body was discovered in Qinghai People’s Park in January 2002.

    2. Several Practitioners Endure Torture in Solitary Confinement Cells inside Qinghai Province Women’s Labor Camp

    The guards at Qinghai Province Women’s Labor Camp tortured determined practitioners. These practitioners refused to give up practicing Falun Gong and were thus locked in solitary confinement cells and shocked with electric batons, and had to endure savage beatings at the hands of inmate drug addicts whom the officials had incited. During the 2002 Chinese New Year, a practitioner was deceived into going to the police station, where she was arrested and then taken to a solitary confinement cell at Qinghai Province Women’s Labor Camp. The person incarcerated in the adjoining cell, No. 2, was practitioner Ms. Li Guixiang. Her body was covered in bruises and wounds after the guards beat her, and she could barely walk. She had to lean against a wall and inch her way to the restroom from the pain of the beating. Practitioner Ms. Li Jing, in her 60s, on a protest hunger strike, was held in cell No. 3. Ms. Li's hunger strike lasted for many days. The guards resorted to administering previously unknown drugs and other despicable means to torture some practitioners, to the point that the practitioners suffered mental breakdowns. They became anxious and delirious, and clawed the wall with their fingers and gnawed at the table.

    3. Public Announcement from Qinghai Province Evidence Collection Group to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Shujuan refused to wear a prisoner's ID tag. The guards shocked her sensitive body areas, including her head, face, palm and the soles of her feet, with four electric batons for a long time. When the batteries died, they recharged them and resumed electro-shocking her. They put unknown drugs into her soup and brought it to her. She took a sip and felt it tasted strange, thinking it may be poisoned or contain drugs especially made to brutalize practitioners, and didn’t drink anymore. Still, the little bit of soup she had consumed made her tongue numb and her mouth foam. Her hands and feet were cold and numb, and her legs were sometimes numb and painful. She then held a nine-day hunger strike in the solitary confinement cell. In order to force her to give up her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the guards made her run for hours every day, even though she was extremely weak from the hunger strike. They tried to destroy her willpower and exhaust her through continuous corporal punishment. The cruel persecution caused permanent physical damage. She still suffers from numbness and pain in her legs.

    4. Additional Investigative Information Regarding the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Qinghai Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xuefeng refused to give up her belief while being held at the labor camp. That is why the camp officials injected her with nerve-damaging drugs that caused her to lose her mind.

    Practitioner Tan Yingchun was tortured to death at the same labor camp.

    Practitioner Mr. He Wanzhu, held at Qinghai Province Men’s Labor Camp in Baduo Town, Qinghai Province, smelled something strange in the soup one day. He took a small sip and immediately realized something was wrong—the food had been laced with poison. He dumped the soup but started to feel tightness in his chest and numbness in his mouth.

    5. Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Qinghai Province Women’s Drug Rehabilitation Labor Camp

    Guard Zhang Wenjing often tried to "reform" a young Falun Gong practitioner, a girl named Luo Fang. When Luo Fang firmly refused to give up her belief, Zhang Wenjing would shock her with electric batons and beat and kick her. Luo Fang was traumatized from the torture, yet the guards stated Luo Fang had gone crazy from practicing Falun Gong. Sometimes the guards made Luo Fang stand for several days and wouldn’t let her eat anything.

    The labor camp detainees didn’t go outside to work in the winter of 2002. The camp authorities made Falun Gong practitioners attend what turned out to be a large brainwashing session during which labor camp head Xiang Jianmei slandered and attacked Falun Gong and Master Li. Luo Fang stood up and said, "Ms. Xiang, what you said was wrong! Master Li did not say that." Xiang Jianmei cut her off and screamed, "This is not a place where you can speak your mind. Take her out!"

    Guard Duan Hairong told guard Zhang Wenjing and others to drag Luo Fang to the office of Group 2 and savagely beat her. They shocked her with electric batons. People heard the sizzling sound of electric batons and the frying of human flesh throughout the entire building. The guards beat Luo Fang until fluid dripped from her ears, and they sent her to a solitary confinement cell. After the beating, the guards coerced her to undergo so-called treatment. Luo Fang knew they were trying to hide their crimes and refused to cooperate with them. The guards ordered five inmates to carry her into the labor camp clinic, where they injected her with what they claimed were high-quality drugs. Xiang Jianmei declared, "One shot costs more than 100 yuan," 

    Practitioners Fan Lihong and Zhang Xuefeng suffered nervous breakdowns and died after they were injected with similar drugs.

    Xiang Jianmei beat a practitioner until she became severely injured and then injected her with nerve-damaging drugs.

    Xiang Jianmei was bold enough to claim the guards were so kind toward Falun Gong practitioners that they spared no cost at medical treatment. They hid the truth and deceived the public.

    The above incidents expose a sinister persecution pattern: First, beating determined Falun Gong practitioners, then locking them in solitary confinement without a cover or bed sheet, compelling the practitioners to sleep on the concrete floor. The guards take injured practitioners to mental hospitals or the labor camp clinic to inject them with unknown drugs; sometimes they mix the unknown drugs with specific other drugs and order drug addicts assigned to monitor Falun Gong practitioners to force the practitioners to ingest pills several times a day. When the practitioners develop symptoms of being absent-minded or suffer a nervous breakdown from the drugs, they "reform" the practitioners through brutal means or say they developed problems from practicing Falun Gong. They separated determined practitioners from other practitioners to weaken their willpower.

    In order to quickly "reform" the practitioners, destroy the practitioners’ willpower and justify the persecution, the officials at detention centers, labor camps and prisons where practitioners are held against the law often resort to preposterous tactics. They secretly inject sleeping practitioners with unknown drugs or put poisonous drugs in their food, which results in general malaise, difficulty walking, stunted speech, rapid decline of reaction and memory, and organ damage. Some practitioners suffer from a complete mental breakdown or cannot wake up from comatose sleep and have disordered thinking.

    Falun Gong practitioners Fan Lihong, Zhang Xuefeng and Ping Chunfeng testified they were injected with drugs, or their food was laced with unknown substances at the labor camps. Their mental states became unstable. After Fan Lihong and Zhang Xuefeng recovered, they told many people about their experiences, but others refused to believe them as they found the extent of malice hard to fathom. Even their family members did not pay enough attention and then regretted this after the two practitioners passed away.

    Practitioner Ping Chunfeng, a staff member at Qinghai Normal University who later became a section head at the Logistics Department reported that on two separate occasions in 2002 and 2003, he was injected with poisonous drugs and his food was laced with poison. He became delirious and could not describe the situation clearly. People asked him to give an accurate and detailed account of the persecution. Before he could re-write the article, he was arrested for the second time and the officials put him under strict surveillance. He passed away in 2005. Qinghai Normal University blocked information and CCP authorities claims he committed suicide by jumping off a building. Regardless of the cause of death, one thing is certain: Ping Chunfeng’s colleagues said he was mentally healthy and normal before the persecution. 

    Practitioners Fan Lihong and Zhang Xuefeng confirmed to other practitioners before their deaths that they were injected with nerve-damaging drugs.

    Besides practitioner Mr. He Wanzhu, many other practitioners were able to testify to drug poisoning. Practitioner Ms. Li Yuanping is a healthcare professional. During her detention at Qinghai Province Women’s Drug Rehabilitation Labor Camp she had discovered the labor camp is in fact a torture chamber solely used to detain and persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Drug addicts who were sent to the labor camp had already been detoxified at detention centers and did not receive harsh treatment at the labor camp. According to some addicts, the guards pressured them to watch Falun Gong practitioners with threats and promise of rewards after the labor camp started to hold practitioners. They had to record the words and actions of the practitioners they were monitoring on a piece of paper and turn it in daily. Surveillance cameras were installed in each cell and sometimes guards were assigned to night duty.

    Ms. Li Yuanping was shocked with electric batons at the hands of several guards and was severely injured. The guards forced her to undergo "medical treatment." Doctor Chen Qinghua prescribed some drugs but she gave the drugs to the addicts assigned to monitor Ms. Li and repeatedly told them to force her to take the drugs "on time." Ms. Li saw that these round pills had no marking on them like other pills and she started to have nausea and numbness after ingesting them. She was tired, she could barely walk, her speech and movement were stunted, and her reaction time and memory declined. After realizing this, she stopped taking the drugs by secretly spitting out the pills when the addicts forced her to take them. She expressed her suspicion in the cell, and the addicts immediately reported to the camp officials. Afterwards, labor camp head Xiang Jianmei, the guards, and doctor Chen Qinghua tried to cover up their crimes.

    During the time young practitioner Luo Fang from Gansu Province was held at the same labor camp, many practitioners saw her gnaw at tables and crawl under the bed and table after she was injected with drugs. Practitioner Ms. Li Yuanping confronted doctor Chen Qinghua and asked what drugs she had given Luo Fang. Chen Qinghua answered, "Nothing, just penicillin."

    Her words contradicted camp head Xiang Jianmei’s statement of each shot costing more than 100 yuan.

    Ms. Yang Xiaolin Is Still Detained in the Harbin Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province

    Ms. Yang Xiaolin, 30 years old, is a resident of Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province. Ms. Yang began practicing Falun Gong in 1998.

    On October 30, 2001, someone turned Ms. Yang in to the authorities, and police from the Political Security Section, Police Department of Mishan City, arrested her. She was handcuffed and interrogated at the police department. At one point when the police were not paying attention, Ms. Yang maintained righteous thoughts and was able to remove the handcuffs and escape.

    On August 11, 2002, Ms. Yang was again reported to the authorities. Police from the Mishan City Second Police Station arrested her in the Mishan coal mine area. She was then beaten by policemen Meng Qingqi, Du Yongshan, Li Gang and Xiao Yu from the Political Security Section of Mishan City Police Department. As a result, she had a bloody nose and a cracked tooth (it was later knocked out in the detention center). After the beating, they took her to the police department to interrogate and torture her. Policeman Meng Qingqi cuffed her hands together with one hand crossing up over her shoulder, causing excruciating pain. She was also deprived of sleep. Later, she was sent to the detention center.

    At the detention center, Ms. Yang, along with other Falun Gong practitioners, held hunger strikes to protest their detention. Former detention center director, Mao Baosheng, instigated the criminal inmates to force-feed practitioners. Practitioner Liu Guiying was tortured to death by force-feeding.

    In 2003, Ms. Yang was sentenced to 12 years in prison because of her so-called refusal to comply with the rules of Mishan City Court. Ms. Yang believed the verdict was unfair and filed an appeal. However, the appeal was rejected on the grounds that Falun Gong practitioners were not allowed to appeal. Later, Ms. Yang was sent to the Harbin Women's Prison for further persecution.

    In the "Drill Team" at the prison, Ms. Yang was beaten by group leader Lu Jinghua, guard Wang Xiaoli and three other guards because she refused to shout out "report" whenever a guard was around or when she was asked a question. Her face swelled from the beating and it was more than 10 days before she recovered. In September of 2003, she was transferred to the 2nd Ward. In December, Ms. Yang refused to do forced labor and was dragged outside in the snow. She was forced to stand up or run around. This torture lasted for over 10 days.

    In June 2004, Ms. Yang was transferred to the 9th Ward. The group leader Yan Yuhua instigated inmates, Xu Zhen and Qiao Qingyan to mistreat her. They did not allow her to go to sleep until 2 a.m. for 13 days, and they only let her to sleep for a very short time each night.

    From September 19, 2005 to November 10, 2005, Ms. Yang was put in solitary-confinement for 56 days. Later, she was transferred again to the 8th Ward. Since she refused to put on the prison clothes and "report" herself, the group leader and guard Xu Meng instigated inmates Zhang Fang and Zhang Jinhua to handcuff her hands behind her back to the bunkbed ladder for 9 hours. While she was handcuffed, they threatened her and tempted her with false promises, and didn't allow her to go to restroom. They told her that she was not allowed to sleep until she agreed to do the things they had asked her to do. To prevent others from seeing them torture her, they covered the door's window with newspapers.

    Currently, Ms. Yang is still being abused in the Harbin Women's Prison.

    The Persecution of Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and Ms. Qu Hongxiang from Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province

    The Persecution of Ms. Wang Xiuxiang

    Ms. Wang Xiuxiang from Beitaishang Village, Xinzhuang Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, is 60 years old. On July 20, 1999, along with some fellow Falun Gong practitioners, she went to Beijing together to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Unfortunately, some perpetrators from Xinzhuang Town took them back and tried to force them to give up the practice, intending to brainwash the more than 20 practitioners that had gone to Beijing. They made the practitioners watch news that slandered Falun Gong, threatened them, and tried to force them to "reform." It was like that for more than 20 days.

    On August 20, 1999, Xinzhuang Police Department officers deceived Ms. Wang Xiuxiang and other practitioners to appear at the police department but released them after three days of illegal detention.

    In September 1999, police officers ordered Ms. Wang and other practitioners to appear at the township government. The officials interrogated them, asking if they still practiced Falun Gong and told them if they replied "Yes" they would be taken away. If the reply was negative, they could go home. Officers subsequently took Ms. Wang and Li Zhiling (now being held at the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp) to the Xinzhuang Police Department and held them there for 45 days, putting them together with Zhang Shuqin and Zhang Shuchun.

    They deprived the practitioners of bathroom use and denied them a hot meal. Wang Xiuxiang's husband was hospitalized at that time. She had a few acres of apples ready for harvest and her livestock were left unattended. The Political and Judiciary Committee CCP Secretary Li Shumin forced her and other practitioners to denigrate Falun Gong. Ms. Wang Xiuxiang was by then near mental collapse and she complied, committing wrongdoings toward Falun Gong. After paying 5,000 yuan in extortion money she was released. The money was never returned.

    In early 2000, she went to Beijing again, but Zhaoyuan County authorities took her back and held her at the Xingzhuang Police Department where quite a few practitioners had been incarcerated. Ms. Wang was compelled to dig toilets and do other dirty work. The police also handcuffed her, Yang Hongju, Wang Shugui, Mao Fulian (now in Jinan Prison), and Yang Jinrong (also in Jinan Prison). They affixed their handcuffs to a truck and hung big signs around their necks, with two policemen holding up each one of them. They drove around Xinzhuang Town to display the practitioners.

    The rest of the practitioners were released after being fined 5,000 yuan, but the authorities did not release Wang Xiuxiang. She went on a hunger strike to protest. They then tied her to a metal chair and force-fed her. A few days later she saw an opportunity and escaped. Two days later, they re-captured her and detained her for 35 days, then released her after extorting 5,000 yuan from her family.

    The Xinzhuang Police Department agents started to run brainwashing sessions in February 2001. They took practitioners to the town or township government and made the practitioners watch TV programs that slandered Falun Gong all day long.

    Police officers took five of the village practitioners away under duress and sent them to the Linglong Brainwashing Center at around 8:00 p.m. on May 30, 2001. Her family was severely impacted by this. Her husband shook from terror.

    The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Qu Hongxiang

    Ms. Qu Hongxiang of Xiaoliujia Village, Zhangxing Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, is a 52-year old farmer who began her cultivation journey in June 1996. Falun Gong gave her a new life and made her physically and mentally healthy.

    Since July 20, 1999, when Jiang Zemin began the savage persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Qu Hongxiang has suffered for her continued belief in Falun Gong. Jiang's minions subjected her to constant harassment and began searching for her Falun Gong books and trying to compel her to write guarantee statements.

    Ms. Qu went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in November or December 1999. She was arrested once she arrived at Tiananmen Square and was sent to her local government liaison office in Beijing. The police authorities subjected her to a body search, forbade her from speaking, and beat her the moment she opened her mouth. Then she was sent back to her hometown.

    The authorities transported 48 practitioners all together and put them in the office complex courtyard of the Criminal Team of the local police department. The police beat them once they got off the bus. They beat them to ground, then pulled them up and beat them down again. The policemen beat them as they rolled on the ground.

    On January 20, 2001, Ms. Qu went to Beijing to appeal again, was arrested once she arrived and then officials from her local hometown police station took her home. Policemen Zhang Hai and Hou Xinzhou attempted to force her to write a guarantee statement that she would not go to Beijing again. She refused. The police held her there 15 days, then released her on February 3, 2001, after extorting 200 yuan from her. But on February 25, 2001, policeman Zhang Hai led five others to arrest nine practitioners, including Ms. Qu.

    The practitioners were detained for almost 50 days and were made to do housekeeping work, but their family members had to provide their food. The police frequently beat and verbally abused the practitioners. One of them pulled out a hunk of Zhang Shuxiang's hair during a beating. Yang Songmei's nose and mouth bled from the beatings, and Wang Fenglan's face turned blue. Due to their family members' stringent requests for release, Ms. Qu and other practitioners were released after being extorted for money. Ms. Qu was also robbed of 1,000 yuan.

    On the afternoon of October 26, 2001, police officer Zhang Hai went to Ms. Qu's home to arrest her, but she didn't open the door. The policemen climbed over the courtyard wall, lifted her out, and stuffed her into a police car. Practitioners Wang Haohong and Wang Fenglan were arrested at the same time in the same way. When Ms. Qu's family member learned about the arrest and went to the police station to ask for her release and asked the police why they arrested innocent people, Policeman Zhang Hai replied, "Because she practices Falun Gong. This is an order from higher echelons! You can appeal wherever you want." The arrested practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest. The family members demanded their release, which happened a week later.

    On April 30, 2001 Ms. Qu Hongxiang and other practitioners went to a practitioner's home to share experiences but someone reported them. Many officers from the Zhangxing Town Police Station and the Songjia Town Police Station, under the leadership of chief Cai Ping from the city police department, arrived in more than ten police vehicles and arrested all of the 40 plus practitioners including Ms. Qu. The police beat and verbally abused them during an interrogation session. The authorities sent the practitioners to the city police department detention center in the late afternoon after handcuffing more than a dozen of them together and beating and otherwise abusing them. No bathroom use was allowed, no sleep allowed. Their daily food consisted of cornbread. They were taken back to their respective towns after 30 days and released after being fined 500 yuan each.

    In 2001 Jiang's regime started to run a "brainwashing center." Ms. Qu would not give up her belief. The town's CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Liu Jiping and Deputy Secretary Wang Dexing looked for her and tried to arrest her. She had decided to go into exile to avoid further persecution. They went to her husband's workplace, a Gear Factory. They forced him to stop working and didn't allow him to find other work. Ms. Qu's husband was ordered to remain off the job for up to six months, beginning June 11, 2001. On September 30 at 11:00 pm, Deputy Head of the police station Kang Ning led a few agents to break into Ms. Qu's home and take her away. The next day, personnel from the city's 610 Office handcuffed Ms. Qu to a metal chair, used electric shock to interrogate her, and then sent her to a detention center.

    Ms. Qu was restrained on a bed (there are iron rings on the bed) and immobilized. She was force-fed on the third day. Eight individuals held her down and forcibly inserted a tube into her nose. This lasted for more than a week. Then they sent Ms. Qu to Linglong Brainwashing Center, but the center refused to accept her because of her poor condition. They then took her back to her hometown and sent her into a hospital but released her after three days of strong requests from her family.

    On August 16, 2002, three police officers blocked Ms. Qu's path as she had just stepped out of her home. She tried her best to resist. Her husband and her second brother stepped forward to stop them. Many people gathered to watch. Someone asked the police, "Why do you want to arrest her?"

    Officer Ren replied, "Only because she practices Falun Gong."

    Ms. Qu escaped with everyone's help. Officer Ren didn't catch her, but called for more than a dozen agents. Deputy Head Xu took Ms. Qu's husband and her brother away and held them in a detention center for 15 days and ordered them to pay 650 yuan in "expenses."

    In the past few years Ms. Qu's home became a virtual gathering place for local officials and policemen. They came every two or three days to harass her and her family. The policemen simply jumped over the courtyard wall whether anyone was home or not.