The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 11, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Liu Ruisheng from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Secretly Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison

  • A Lecturer in Hebei Province Medical University Facing Trial

  • Guards at Shijiazhuang City Labor Camp Force Visitors to Read Paper Slandering Falun Gong

  • Mr. Liu Ruisheng from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province Secretly Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison

    On April 23, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Ruisheng from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, was arrested by National Security agents and detained for three months in the city detention center. Liu Ruisheng vomited blood three times during this time period, and he was bailed out on the evening of July 28, 2006.

    After one month, Mr. Liu had recovered slightly. State Security Agents Gao Yusheng (male), Luan Yuqin (female), and two other agents often went to Mr. Liu's home to harass him, closely monitor his activities, and severely restrict his personal freedom.

    On the evening of December 4, 2006, several agents went to his home again, pretending to see how his physical recovery was going, but in fact they were playing a trick. At 5:10 p.m. that same evening, they took Mr. Liu away, saying that they needed to check up on some matters with him. At around 8 p.m. that evening, Agent Gao called Mr. Liu's parents and said that Mr. Liu Ruisheng would return home in a few days.

    After a week had passed, Mr. Liu's parents went to the National Security Group to request the release of their son. Agent Gao said they could not do anything about their arrest of Mr. Liu Ruisheng because it was ordered in the Longshan District Court's sentencing. He said that, because Mr. Liu Ruisheng was actually sick, the prison and the detention center would not accept him and he would certainly be able to return home.

    Mr. Liu's family heard that the Longshan District Court had sentenced Mr. Liu Ruisheng to nine years in prison.

    A Lecturer in Hebei Province Medical University Facing Trial

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Ruixue from Shijiazhuang City was arrested on April 6, 2006, for passing out truth-clarifying flyers on the Hebei Province Business University campus. The flyers exposed the Chinese Communist Party's harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. Policemen from Hongqi Avenue Station (under the Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City Police Department) detained Ms. Feng. She was scheduled to go on trial December 29, 2006.

    Ms. Feng Ruixue, 35, has a medical Master's Degree. She was a lecturer employed by Hebei Province Medical University in Shijiazhuang City. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, Ms. Feng was persecuted both mentally and physically, like so many other practitioners. Her employer sent her to a brainwashing center for no reason.

    On March 14, 2003, Ms. Feng talked to her class about the principles of "Truth-Compassion- Forbearance" and discussed how to be a good person. She also clarified the truth about the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square when her students asked her about it. Ms. Feng was later illegally arrested, her home ransacked, and she was sentenced to one year of forced labor. She was detained in the Fourth Ward of Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp. The mistreatment severely traumatized her family and her young child's mental health.

    Under the CCP's implication policies, her employer, Hebei Province Medical University, was forced to participate in persecuting her. When Feng Ruixue returned from the forced labor camp, the university administration deducted one year of her salary and refused to let her teach. The administration must surely know that Ms. Feng is innocent of any crime, but they choose to ignore their conscience and join the persecution.

    The Chinese Constitution states that citizens have the freedom of belief and speech. The CCP violates this law, ransacking practitioners' homes at will. They have made it a law that if less than one thousand truth-clarification flyers are found, a person can be sentenced from three to seven years in prison. If more than one thousand flyers are found, they can be sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

    Guards at Shijiazhuang City Labor Camp Force Visitors to Read Paper Slandering Falun Gong

    On the last Thursday of each month, 9-11 a.m. are the visiting hours for detained Falun Gong practitioners in Shijiazhuang City Labor Camp. On December 28, 2006, in a small room of the Fifth Ward of the Camp, the guards were checking every family member that came to visit. The visitors had to first show the "non-practitioner" statement issued by local police stations, and then they were forced to read through a page full of words slandering Falun Gong, otherwise they were not allowed to visit.